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  1. PsiCorps

    [R&F] What I would like to see is....

    1. A better map script that creates islands and continents with fewer linked shallow waters. 2. Faster production times for both units and districts/buildings - Wonder production costs are fine. 3. Less ice & tundra
  2. PsiCorps

    An ambitious it possible!?

    Hi all, whilst I haven't uploaded a new version of the B5 mod for a while now I am still working on it. One of the ideas I've had is for a slight change in how the asteroid tiles work. Here goes:- Currently when a ship enters an asteroid tile it stops moving, unless it has more than 2 movement...
  3. PsiCorps

    Win 10, Civ 4 and NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 750ti

    Hi all I've recently installed the above mentioned graphics card. Since installing the new card when I boot up Civ IV I get a message telling me the following. Your machine is below recommended specifications. The graphic settings were altered to accomodate this, however, you may experience...
  4. PsiCorps

    Idea for an event with a difference for Final Frontier

    Hi all Whilst going through the existing events and those created by other players I have yet to find one that does what I have had an idea for. The event (actually less an event and more of a check) is more specific to Mods based on the Final Frontier however, I expect it could also be used...
  5. PsiCorps

    Event problem

    Hi all. I am currently adding in events to the Babylon 5 Mod and have come across one that should be very easy to add in but seems to have an element missing. The event in question is this one <EventInfo> <Type>EVENT_LONG_RANGE_FIGHTERS_1</Type>...
  6. PsiCorps

    Civ IV & Win 10

    I was recently upgraded to win 10 and have not experienced any problems with loading up, playing or modding anything Civ related. Until now, I've been trying to upload the B5 mod to a new hosting server since Atomic Gamer seems to have gone. However the files are either being corrupted at the...
  7. PsiCorps

    Galactic (World) Wonders

    Hi all I've come across a small problem with a World Wonder I've added to the B5 Mod. The Wonder in question is a variation of the Great Wall wonder. Whilst I am happy that the effects of the wonder work as I wanted I am less than happy that the Great Wall graphic is floating in space around...
  8. PsiCorps

    Random events in FFP

    Hi all I've been busy with the B5 Mod and have managed to get a few more events (some from C2C) added to the ones you had in. So far I've successfully added in the following:- Ion Storm event - destroys trade routes. Abundant World - Food bounty to help growth. Famine - Opposite of...
  9. PsiCorps

    Barbarians that loot and leave

    Hi all Just been through all 18 pages of the ModComp thread and couldn't find anything that does what I am wanting to do. If a city has no defenders, rather than a barbarian unit capturing or razing the city I am looking for the Barb to loot food, production and gold. The unit will then...
  10. PsiCorps


    I know that this is a long shot but, if the FFP mod is still alive and being worked on, I've had an idea for Starbases that would, quite possibly make a massive difference to the way the game is played. This started with an idea I had for the B5 mod but I've revisited the idea and modified it...
  11. PsiCorps

    Notepad++ and Win7 issue.

    Hi all, have upgraded my desktop from WinXP to Win7 and have finally found some time to start doing some xml work. Unfortunately the first file I've made any changes to I can't save as I get a message saying Save failed. Please check if this file is opened in another program. I only...
  12. PsiCorps

    Windows 7, BUG and the B5 Modcomp

    Hi all I've upgraded my PC to Win 7 and have reinstalled all the Civ 4 stuff I needed to run/work on the B5 Mod. However, when I load up and try to start a game I get an error message. I've been informed that this is due to something that BUG has set up in it and refers to the .ini file. As...
  13. PsiCorps

    New building suggestion

    Hi guys I've been considering a couple of new buildings and one of them doesn't fit the normal parameters of buildings. It is similar to another building you've already added to the FF+ mod but it is different enough that I don't know exactly what code is needed. So.... here's the building...
  14. PsiCorps

    Private and Public maps

    I've followed TC01's instructions in his Tutorial for private and public maps and when the B5 mod is loaded it still shows all the standard Civ IV maps as well as the FF/B5 maps. I've cleared my Caches and temp files but the problem persists. Any suggestions on what I should try next?
  15. PsiCorps

    Adding an Era

    Hi all I've been trying to add a new era into the Babylon 5 Mod and have encountered a problem. The new Era has been entered along with the relevant text entries and is not causing any problems at all. The issue comes when I add the Era to the Tech Tree. After much testing even if I only change...
  16. PsiCorps

    Error Message

    The attached screen shot has been brought up before I think and there didn't seem to be a solution other than dropping the game down and then bringing it back up to clear the message. However, after looking into the different lines mentioned in the error message I now know why the game...
  17. PsiCorps

    Modiki problem

    Hi all I'me getting the following on my browser when trying to open the Modiki web page Clearing cookies and temp internet files makes no difference. Is the link bad or has the Modiki been moved to another address?
  18. PsiCorps

    What are the chances of doing these things?

    It's been a while since there were any updates and I was hoping to have seen at least one around christmas. I know I am keenly awaiting the merger of other modcomps to enable me to develop the B5 Mod as I'd like and whilst I've been waiting I've come up with some other ideas and questions I'd...
  19. PsiCorps

    Python & C++ assistance required

    You may think I can do all of what I'm asking myself but alas I can't. We on the Babylon 5 Developement team are striving to make the Mod a truly unique experience for players of Civ IV. To make this the unique experience I would like it to be for players I need help with the following...
  20. PsiCorps

    Adding a new building

    I recall, a long while back, that I was having problems when adding a new building. The reason I was having problems was because Python was set to look for a specific building in the xml and that building had to be the 4th one in the xml file. From what I recall you removed the requirement...
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