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  1. Arilian

    Sumeria War-Cart rush does not work in diety, or I am really bad in war

    Based on the other thread (Has the king detrhoned) I wanted to talk from experience and tried Sumeria several times in standard (small/continent/diety) and also with some more cowded maps and pangeas, and from 10 start I was able to only conquer only one civ, once with the initial rush. In 9...
  2. Arilian

    Alliances in small maps.

    I usually play on small map as that is the default, and I dont particually enjoy managing 20+cities. But in small maps, you have 5 enemy - and you have 5 alliance possiblity. 90% of the time I play for some peaceful victory, or roleplay a peaceful civ, and I always able to ally all of the civs...
  3. Arilian

    Careful when you conquesting with the ottomans.

    I was playing my diety conquest, and was about 5 turn from total victory after conquering almost every city but one capital, then after pressing next turn, I met the loss screen. Give a few sec and try to guess what happened. .. .. .. .. It can happen with any other Civ, but when you conquer...
  4. Arilian

    Eariest GL / other wonders by AI

    I tried out GOTM85 and some AI build the Great Library at T25. I have never seen this early since civ5 is out. I know they probably found writeing in a ruin but still. What was the earlies wonder you seen? Anyone below t20 maybe? :)
  5. Arilian

    [Exploit/Bug] Kabash / Petra / Order.

    Hi, I have just noticed if you normally have a Petra+Mine+Order +1Mine Prod+Chemistry you should have 1F 6P hill, but if you build a Kabash first, then later you chnage it to mine, it will be 1F 7P. I am not sure of the exact conditions yet, it might be enough to build a kasbah on a normal...
  6. Arilian

    Get free money and win.

    I wanted to offer my friend that I vote for him as a word leader, for money, as I was sure he could not win even with my votes. Accidentally I offered to vote for myself. To my suprise he was willing to pay for it (a few gold around 3-400) :) So I wote for myself for 300 gold. Worth checking if...
  7. Arilian

    Cannot handle Shaka @ Deity.

    It seems BnW have two difficulty level. The one, where you are on the same continent/close to the Zulu, and when they on other landmass. If they conquer the other continent you can still beat them with a lot of RA/science focus. But if they are near you, they will attack you, even if you...
  8. Arilian

    First Opinions - Science is still the king. How to beat deity easily, no cheese.

    I played CIV 5 last week a LOT, trying out new civs, new VCs. Overall, I am very satisfied, the game is more diverse, there are fun new parts. I like trade routes, archeology, tourism. However, looking competitive, Science is still absolute best. I won 3 games around T280 in immortal...
  9. Arilian

    Peaceful? Try assyria as neighbor

    I read a lot about the peaceful games. First game I was killed in immortal by assyrian siege towers. Third game I had a war from turn 100 to 200 with them. Fourth game he eredicated the ither continent. (I only play 'all new civs' - immortal, all strandard)
  10. Arilian

    Terracotta army, OP for Deity AI?

    Hi, I was checking wonder changes and noticed, that Terracotta army doubles your land army. While it can be powerful as a Player too, It can have a devastating effect on AI balance. If a warmongering civ builts it before attacking somebody, it can level his own continent before T150...
  11. Arilian

    Piety is now Ancient - still very weak.

    I just watched MJ's video explaining policies too. It is really good that Piety is ancient - the opener is also very good, and the second policy with +1faith is also good early. The other ones looks bad hovever, I can imaginge picking Piety for a first policy ever. Maybe picking the...
  12. Arilian

    [BUG] auto annex/no popup

    Hi, I still have auto annex and no popup bugs with GOTM, while I do not seem to have it, if I start a new game. Is this only me? I have synced the files with steam and the issue persists.
  13. Arilian


    La Venta is My ally. I attack Attila Venta declares war to Attila. Attila captures la Venta A few turns later. You have liberated la Venta . They are indebted to you for their survival. You have no longer friends with la Venta . Attila is now the Ally of la Venta . La Venta...
  14. Arilian

    Carthage - Deity builder strategy.

    Hello, I was experimenting with Carthage on terra maps, and found it could be insanely powerful with the right conditions. Current game is Deity against 7 of the most powerful warmonger civ. At turn 200 I build more than 30 wonder in capitol (including national wonders) and 4 more elsewhere. I...
  15. Arilian

    hypothetical question

    UFO's come to you and abduct you. They will destroy earth, but they give you a chance to save it. You need to win a DEITY standard/standard/standard Pangaea CIV5 game with a civ and VC of your choice for first try without any test, training, reload or interruption. What would be your choice of...
  16. Arilian

    Need some help on savegame modding.

    Hello, I appreciate if someone can help me in this: I would like to create a savegame from turn 0, then create several other savegame with the ONLY change of changeing the starting civ. But not just the name, but UU, UA, everything. Thank You in advance.
  17. Arilian

    Suggestion: Ruins OFF

    Hello, Can we play the GOTM with 'ruins off' if the GOTM participant mostly agree? It is a big luck factor, getting 20culture+1 pop vs upgraded weapons+map could mean 20 turn end game difference.... Maybe a vote like for Info addict should be done. I like ruins actually, it is more fun...
  18. Arilian

    Deity challenge - best start ever

    Hello, I was thinking I share this start to see if someone really good can do something awsome with it. Challenge: Win in 222turn. Valid VCs: Science, Culture, Diplomacy Deity standard continets - Spain. Start looks really bad. Move your starting warrior north on the east coast to get...
  19. Arilian

    Austria UA is the best (in Deity)

    My first game in GnK was with Boduccia, and I won confortably in immortal, so I moved to deity / Austria every setting standard. The game is not finished yet, but the ability is just awsome and I am winning. In deity the city states are bigger than your capital, and have good location...
  20. Arilian

    MultiPlayer HotSeat AI Agression level.

    Hello, I have started to play Hotsteat games with my wife a few months (2) ago. I did not have any experience with civ5 MP before. I have noticed that the AI is not even close as agressive as in SP. We played several games is Immortal and even Deity level with no AI attack. AI is also...
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