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  1. sedna17

    Colony Information Screen

    I haven't had time to make contributions to this mod for a while, but I've enjoyed playing the latest betas. Thanks to the rest of the team for all their amazing work. One thing I find annoying in the late game is keeping track of colonies. The Top 5 Cities/Wonders screen provides the...
  2. sedna17

    Beta UHV discussion

    Hey everyone, One of the major goals of the beta is to make sure that the Unique Historical Victories (UHVs) are balanced and fun. This thread is my attempt to bring some order to the process of changing UHVs. If you have ideas for UHV changes, try playing a game with them as your goals...
  3. sedna17

    Help making the AI build projects

    In a mod I'm working on, we want to use the concept of "projects" as colonies which supply particular bonus resources. A member of our team has successfully modded the XML and SDK in order to make these projects provide the bonus resources. Unfortunately, the AI doesn't seem to want to ever...
  4. sedna17

    RFC Europe: Military Redesign

    I wasn't happy with the feel of military combat at various points in our mod, and other people have complained about various aspects as well. After some work, I now have a working version of a thorough overhaul of the military system. This is a special sneak peek. You'll get your chance to beta...
  5. sedna17

    NifSkope for Mac

    NifSkope, which allows you to view and modify the models Civ uses for buildings/units/etc. can now be compiled and run on Mac OS X. I don't have a lot of experience actually using it to do modifications, so it is possible there are still bugs to actually using it, but this is a useful step...
  6. sedna17

    RFC Europe: Extending/Fixing City Name Maps

    New Versions of WBSaves posted Dec 22 Small bug fixed, the signs should show up now. Several of you have indicated your willingness to help out on extending/fixing City Name maps. These are the maps which control what a city is called when settled or renamed when captured by a particular...
  7. sedna17

    RFC Europe: Small bugs/fixes

    This is a to-do list for small bugs/fixes that people have reported or that clearly need to be done. Feel free to post additional suggestions in this thread and we'll make sure we get to them. Major balancing issues should be discussed in their respective threads. Sedna's to-do list: Make...
  8. sedna17

    RFC Europe: Resources and Terrain

    I plan to begin implementing new resources and terrain types. This is more XML and art work, but I've learned a lot, and this should be simple. On resources: We had a good discussion about which resources to include starting at the end of this page in one of the uber-threads. Some...
  9. sedna17

    Rhye's of Europe Religion Discussion Thread

    Welcome to a new thread to discuss matters religious within Rhye's and Fall Europe. Religion dominated many aspects of life in Europe under our timeframe (500 AD - 1800 AD), and our mod should reflect this importance. We have four main religions, and one special minor religion: Catholicism...
  10. sedna17

    The Saga of Leif Ericson (of how to colonize the new world by 1000 AD)

    The first Viking UHV is easy enough to accomplish, either by focusing on researching Astronomy or by using the Conqueror event to capture a city and build a new settler. But neither method properly captures the majesty of longboats plying the unforgiving puffin-infested northern waters...
  11. sedna17

    Mayan UHV at... Emperor?

    The Mayan UHV is impossible at Emperor level, but it's tantalizing because the truly impossible part is such a short, simple, well-constrained maximization problem. Getting the Temple of Kukulkan obviously just requires that you get completely lucky and none of the AI build it, but this can...
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