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  1. DarkxL0rd

    How do you make other Civs be able to cast Feast

    So Ive been tinkering with trying to get another Civ to be able to cast feast, but it looks like its hard coded to only allow the Calabim to do it. Ive changed the Civilization prereq in the FFH editor to other teams such as the Svarts, but even in game, with a unit with vampirism, sitting in a...
  2. DarkxL0rd

    More Naval AI complaint

    I've been playing FFH2 for almost a decade but only recently installed the more naval AI mod. I really like the improved HUB and AI intelligence. However, why would anybody play with the Revolutions option activated? It basically makes the conquering of cities impossible. You take a city, it...
  3. DarkxL0rd

    can the Elves/Dark elves never enter into Perm alliance?

    I have played the Svalts hundreds of times and have always tried to ally with the Ljos every game that they are on the map.....they just wont do it. Ive met all the requirements: the best relations, help in war, give whatever they ask, defensive pacts for 40+ turns. But they will never ally...
  4. DarkxL0rd

    How is this happenning?

    im not understanding how this is possible. my assassin is 14 str. because of base 6 which is doubled from promotions and then +2 poison, with a few first strikes thrown in. the mage im attacking is base 5 with 50% from the ancient forest and 20% promotions. which gives him about a 9 strength...
  5. DarkxL0rd

    city wont grow?

    Im having trouble with one of my cities. it stays at 11-12 and wont grow to a higher number. Im playing as the calabim and feast every once in a while. but after it goes down from feasting, it will grow back up to 11-12 and then just stay there. there's plenty of food for growth and it says in...
  6. DarkxL0rd

    valledia the even wont trade techs

    Why is this. our relationship couldnt be better but she just wont trade techs. people that are annoyed or cautious will but she, being friendly, wont budge.
  7. DarkxL0rd

    Svaltafar vs. Ljosafar

    Playing a game tonight and I was absolutely determined to create a perm alliance with Faeryl. I was playing as the wood elves. I literally did everything she asked of me. want money? ok. go to war? no problem. switch to Esus? where do I sign. But to no avail. come turn 320 she declares on me. I...
  8. DarkxL0rd

    pirate coves

    How do you make pirate coves? i was playing through the scenarios and couldn't figure it out. what units and techs do you need?
  9. DarkxL0rd

    just curious

    I have always wondered why the Svart's casters were all illusionists. I guess I'm asking, what decision came up that the team said hey, "lets take this civ and nerf their magic." I mean, their elves. i understand nerfing the dwarven nations as historically all dwarves from all walks of fantasy...
  10. DarkxL0rd

    Helping with slowdowns

    I have been enjoying my games recently because I have started roleplaying the different civs how I think would be played, but after I get to turn 400 or so(normal speed) the slowdown has been unbearable, such that I have been reading novels in between turns, which last about 5-6 minutes apiece...
  11. DarkxL0rd


    So Genesis destroys all ancient forests now? kinda lame.
  12. DarkxL0rd

    turn won't end

    does anyone now how to make a turn end, I hit the button and it wont stop loading. I'm on turn 443 of a great game and dont want to start another. Ive reloaded a few turns before and still come 443 it gets stuck. Ive waited 15 minutes now. any tricks?
  13. DarkxL0rd

    i thought i was a tough nut to crack, but the AI is cracking my nuts.

    Holy Crap this AI plays like me! I am used to playing deity now and so i decided to try out immortal with the new patch. They warrior spam, take out my money tiles, move in huge stacks, attack when they have sufficient odds, and choose the best plots to lay down their cities. I have noticed...
  14. DarkxL0rd

    AI cheating again

    ok so im one turn away from completing the genesis. i click the counter and it says i cant continue. i have the eyes and ears so i know that the only other person who has commune with nature just finished researching it one turn before my current turn. so in essence, beeri bawl researched...
  15. DarkxL0rd

    unit maintenance question

    can anyone explain to me why the AI can build an ungodly amount of priests with only 1-2 cities. i had a game a while back where the elohim had 98 priests with only owning 2 cities, and in the game I'm in now the ljosafar have over 120 priests of leaves with only 3 cities. that's 120 tigers a...
  16. DarkxL0rd

    black mirrors for everyone

    I noticed that the balseraphs keep building my units. I first thought that it was some weird illusion trick or puppet trait as i have never played as the clown civ. however, they keep building alazkan over and over again. sometimes twice in the same turn! Its not a game breaker cause they are...
  17. DarkxL0rd

    God Slay'd

    well i won a domination victory on final five with the illians, played extra 160(2 hours) turns just so i could ascend auric and add it to my trophy room. very first stack he attacked had a beastmaster with... you guessed it. i felt perturbed a bit. if this had happened in a MP game i woulda...
  18. DarkxL0rd

    Things I've learned so far

    1. Don't let Basium sit for any amount of time. he gets real annoying, real fast. 2. (on the same note) Heralds are disgusting on deity. 3. you will lose that battle you absolutely have to win. unless your defending for some reason. 4. Naming units that are highly XP'd makes the game...
  19. DarkxL0rd

    Holy Shnaickies Basium is a tough.

    with a pretty nasty stack of doom it took me about 15 turns of standing outside of his capital. literally every unit i had had just got done leveling up after fighting wars on another continent. 4 immortals, 4 marksmen, 4 archmages, 4 liches, 4 phalanx, 4 shadows, 4 beastmasters, 10 assassins...
  20. DarkxL0rd

    Those Magical Workers!?

    So workers can build mana nodes now for the AI?
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