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  1. Joecoolyo

    In Which We Discuss Avatars and Custom User Titles X: Futurama Avatars Only

    Non-Futurama related avatars need not apply. (I mean no one's going to stop the jerk who doesn't have a Futurama avatar, but I mean come on) First Thread Second Thread Third Thread Fourth Thread The Fifth The Sixth The Seventh The Eighth The Ninth
  2. Joecoolyo

    National Anthems!

    I was really bored a couple months ago. I think I really wanted to procrastinate something, but I didn't want to start up a game or TV and get sucked into it. So instead, I ended up on the Wikipedia list of national anthems. And I went through and listened to every single one. Yeah, I was really...
  3. Joecoolyo

    Graduate School!

    Whoa, a Joecoolyo thread? No way! Yes, I have decided to make a thread for this. Long story short, its come that time in my college career where I'm starting to research what exactly I want to do with my education - and my life - once I graduate next year. And recently, I've become rather...
  4. Joecoolyo

    Random Raves XXXV: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems

    It's really all there is to it. That and DIAMONDS Previous Threads Random Raves (the original!) Random Raves Two Random Raves Three: Happiness and Joy Random Raves Four: Momentary Diversions on the Road to the Grave Random Raves V: Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive Random Raves VI: Put on...
  5. Joecoolyo

    Oy, help me with college dinners

    So basically for the past two weeks I've been living off of grapes, apples, pasta, corn chips, and peanut butter sandwiches. It's starting to get a bit drab, and I'm looking for something new to cook/eat. Problem is, I barely know any recipes. I assume a majority of you cook for yourselves...
  6. Joecoolyo

    Help building a new computer

    Well, since I didn't get an answer in the computer questions thread, I assume right now the time is better than ever to begin choosing parts and looking at prices for a new computer I'm going to build in about a month. Problem is, I know little to nothing about a majority of the parts needed...
  7. Joecoolyo

    RANDOM RAVES XXVIII: Death by Snu Snu

    Random Raves (the original!) Random Raves Two Random Raves Three: Happiness and Joy Random Raves Four: Momentary Diversions on the Road to the Grave Random Raves V: Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive Random Raves VI: Put on a Happy Face Random Raves VII: I liek ma gun, liek ma gun!! Random Raves...
  8. Joecoolyo

    Roger Ebert Dies at Age 70

    No thread on this yet? Such sad news :( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22035330 One of my favorite film critics, hell, probably the only one I ever bothered to follow. His reviews were always good and genuine, and if I could I'd always read them after seeing a movie just to see...
  9. Joecoolyo

    RANDOM RANTS XLVI: Slightly More Than a Month-ly Edition #1

    CONGRATULATIONS OT We Did It! We have the thread nailed down to hitting its limit in slightly more than a month! Next goal: Monthly edition! Reach goal: Weekly edition! Previous Editions Random Rants (The Original!) Random Rants Two Random Rants 3 Random Rants 4: Keep...
  10. Joecoolyo

    Falkands Traitors

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21750909 ALRIGHT, who are these three traitors and what should be done with them? Tar and feather? Exile to Argentina? Death by exile to Argentina? Come on people! We need to be creative! Lets show them the tyranny of the majority!
  11. Joecoolyo

    Tehran, we have a problem...

    Apparently the situation is so grim, even the President wants to escape: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/02/201324154448873605.html Mayor, president, astronaut, what's next in this man's illustrious career of being everyone? Taking all bets!
  12. Joecoolyo

    Cool Pictures V: So Cool We Can Freeze Time Itself

    Stupid title playing on the idea that pictures freeze a moment of time. CAN YOU THINK OF A BETTER ONE? I think not! Previous Threads Cool Pictures I: The Original Thousand(the original!) Cool Pictures II: One Million Amazing Words Cool Pictures III: Bringing Gladness to a Weary Heart Cool...
  13. Joecoolyo

    Random Rants XLIII: So Much Whinging Your Head May Explode

    Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mustard Previous Threads Random Rants (The Original!) Random Rants Two Random Rants 3 Random Rants 4: Keep Complaining Random @#%& rants 5: Life is a female dog. Random Rants VI: See, this is why we can't have nice things! Random Rants...
  14. Joecoolyo

    Random Raves XXV: DANCE PARTY

    Awwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaah Previous Threads Random Raves (the original!) Random Raves Two Random Raves Three: Happiness and Joy Random Raves Four: Momentary Diversions on the Road to the Grave Random Raves V: Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive Random Raves VI: Put on a Happy Face Random...
  15. Joecoolyo

    Preemtive Hurricane "Frankenstorm" Sandy Thread

    Welp, its going to happen sooner or later, might as well make it sooner. Ok so, what's all the hullabaloo? Well lets start off with the basics. Here we have Hurricane Sandy meandering around the northern Bahamas. Cute one ain't she? Category 1 hurricane, 971 mb central pressure as of 5...
  16. Joecoolyo

    Libyan Protesters Kick Out Islamist Militia

    No thread yet? I'm ashamed of you OT! LINKY Well its pretty obvious Benghazi has retained it's revolutionary spirit. I can't say I approve of violence, but considering these are the armed militia's we're talking about, I approve of this and more actions against them. I find it incredible...
  17. Joecoolyo

    What Day of the Week Were You Born On?

    The other threads aren't specific enough for my tastes, giving 12, 15 options, too much! I say we narrow it down to seven days, makes it easier to find out which one is the best. If you don't know what day you were born on, in Windows just click on the calendar in the lower right hand corner...
  18. Joecoolyo

    Use of Cannabis in Adolescence Linked to Lower IQ

    Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. CLICK HERE FOR like, FOUR MORE PARAGRAPHS So what do you guys think? Was this (massive) study thorough enough to conclude that getting stoned as a teenager frequently can cause mental decline during critical formative years? Does this make you rethink...
  19. Joecoolyo

    April Fools Compilation Thread 2012

  20. Joecoolyo

    April Fools Compilation Thread 2012

    Its that time of year again! Lets collect all the April Fools from around and web and IRL in this thread. Did you pull off any good pranks? What is Google mapping out this year? Get anyone good on CFC? Share with us the best of April Fools 2012! :D
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