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  1. hiphopin

    Hunters, what's the point?

    After playing ffh for a long time, with MANY games played, I must say hunters and rangers are easily the most pointless thing ever for me, heres why. By the time you research the hunting tech (unless you beeline it) most of the animals in the world are gone already, and animals themselves suck...
  2. hiphopin

    "That unit looks like crap." The complaint forum.

    This is a topic for any complaints you may have about this game that could and should be looked at and possibly patched with good enough reason. Complain here, but don't be rude (oxymoron). My complaint, Arquebus graphics. They look like they belong in an Austrian prison camp in the 1870's...
  3. hiphopin

    How do I win a non combat victory?

    OK so this may seem funny to some, actually, a lot of players. In all the time I have played civ 4 and ffh1 and ffh2 I have never, ever won a culture victory. And in Ffh2 I have never won a tower or luonnatar victory. My victories come from war, every time. And now, I would like to try a...
  4. hiphopin

    Whats YOUR favorite way to play the game?

    So I remember a while back a thread similar to this was started on the main forums. I decided I would like to have this thread in the fall further forum. So now onto how I play the game. Quick game speed, Custom continents, low sea level, small world, 2 continents, 8 AI enemys, no tech...
  5. hiphopin

    AI and hunters phenomenon. (Plus a few questions)

    It seems that in this game the AI LOVES, and I mean LOOOOOOOVES to build hunters. Almost to much. You know it makes me mad when they litteraly have 50% of their entire army as hunters, now don't get me wrong, hunters aren't bad, but c'mon HALF your army with them? Do they even KNOW the concept...
  6. hiphopin

    Spell system needs to be rethought.

    OK first and foremost, summons should NOT cost ANY support whatsoever, skeleton's DON'T need food. Water elementals DON'T need food, ect... A few spell spheres that I don't think work are. Sun, its first 2 spells are great but the tier 3 summon is just plain stupid. Come on, its a little...
  7. hiphopin

    Haunted Lands fix.

    I posted this in the download change log thread but I want to be made sure I am heard. Haunted lands graphic REALLY bugs me. There are a couple problems with it. One, it creates trees out of no where. Two, not only that but it does not turn tiles that are already trees into haunted lands...
  8. hiphopin

    What improvements do YOU want for this mod?

    As most of you know Fall From Heaven II is near the end of its development. And after Ice Phase is finished there most likely wont be any gamebreaking updates to the official game. So I decided to make a thread to see what people want to see happen to this mod before its done. :( Please make...
  9. hiphopin

    Samhain Ritual, pointless much?

    Seriously isn't this ritual rather pointless? At first I thought it gives YOU Mokka at the expense of being attacked by frostlings, however I found out it summons barb frostlings and barb Mokka....... Absolutly useless IMO
  10. hiphopin

    Why use FotL? (If your not elves)

    I see no logical reason to use FoL if your not elves, seriously ancient forests<ANY other improvement, the ancient forests it wont help tile yields because there are other improvements that destroy the forest that would give better yields, sure it gives a little extra defence but I still see no...
  11. hiphopin

    Gameplay ideas and AI questions.

    Well first I want to ask 1.) Can the AI effectively upgrade their adepts to mages and mages to archmages yet, and if so do they know how to promote them. 2.) If not is there an option in this mod to do that. 3.) If not is someone willing to make a tiny module to allow this, their is one that...
  12. hiphopin

    Few ideas for this mod.

    (This was directly copied and pasted from the bug thread and im to lazy to edit it.) Hey a few quick suggestions. Since this is seperate from vanilla FFH2 and is meant to improve the experience by adding new things and improving on the old I have this to say. Please revamp octapus...
  13. hiphopin

    FFH, you think it could be a movie?

    Seriously, the more and more I think about it, even though its based on D&D(by the way, I dont know much about it) you guys have put so much stuff into it, the story lines and everything, just wow. Far-Fetched but I could totally see a trilogy with the FFH storyline, seriously...
  14. hiphopin

    Help with victory condition, and promotion ideas

    Hey I have been playing FFH2 for a while now. But im having a problem with repitition, I cant seem to do anything else but, regardless of civ, build as many cities as I can expanding until theres no more room, all my cities are usually 5 spaces away from eachother to prevent overlaping...
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