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  1. draaibaar

    Question about the steam version (how to delete your saves)

    hello everybody, in earlier days I could delete my save games with my own Conquest version, with steam I don't know how to do it? :confused:
  2. draaibaar

    Why does AI prefer 2 gold to 1 hammer?

    The automatic tile assigner in my city's put my citizen on a 2:c5food:2:c5gold: tile in stead on a 2:c5food:1:c5production: tile (eg marble/grass in stead of stone/grass). 1 hammer is worth at least 4 gold. Why?
  3. draaibaar

    Question about the sequence of civilizations

    Do you understand the sequence in which the civilizations appear in your game? In the menu's? I always have to search for the civilization I want to talk with. It's not alphabetical, that's clear to me. I like to play with a lot of civ's so it would nice if I could understand the sequence.
  4. draaibaar

    I saved Maria Therasie's ass but no thanks.

    In my game Caesar was 1 turn away from taking Vienna (Maria Therasie's only city), when I made peace for her by gifting Caesar some money and resource. Now I want her to be grateful.
  5. draaibaar

    What Era Do You Like Most To Play?

    What Era Do You Like Most To Play? I myself like to start so for me Ancient Era is favourite.
  6. draaibaar

    While trading wrong info # of resources

    I've had this one several times: Someone pops up in the inter turn and proposes to give me gold for a resource. I check (shouldn't be necessary) to see if I have more than one. If it's 2 and I accept the deal, the next turn my happiness goes down with 4 and my empire is in sorrow. :mad...
  7. draaibaar

    Civ's telling you secrets: did ever one come true?

    Alexander tells me Suleiman is plotting against me, Suleiman tells me Catherine is marching to one of my city's, Catherine tells me Oda Nobunaga is plotting against me, etc etc. Nothing ever happens or it should be Catherine coming up with a Great Prophet to convert one of my city's. Well....
  8. draaibaar

    What to do with an extinct religion?

    I've conquered Byzantium and it's capital Constantinople which is the Holy City of Hinduism. I've captured a Hinduist Great Prophet but in the religion screen Hinduism is gone, also their beliefs. The only thing which come up is to send the Great Prophet to another Holy City and frustrate the...
  9. draaibaar

    Stop telling me that I lied about not purchasing land because I never promised!

    I never tell the AI that I won't buy land any more, but I still get those messages. Why should I tell them, I am not in the position to stop it because my city's act on their own! Why keep they telling me I'm a liar when I never lie about it?:mad: Anyone with same experience?
  10. draaibaar

    When can you purchase military units with faith?

    When can you purchase military units with faith? Does anybody knows this? :confused:
  11. draaibaar

    "your missionary was destroyed by attrition"

    Suddenly my (Celtic) missionary disappeared on Dutch soil, , just after a meeting with a Dutch Great Prophet (he was on a tile next to him). In the notification log I saw the above message. Was it the Dutch Great Prophet that destroyed him? Is this some special event I didn't hear about yet? :eek:
  12. draaibaar

    Why spread your religion to another civilization?

    I don't see the advantage. Anybody?
  13. draaibaar

    Next turn - a unit needs orders - next turn ???

    What do you think of this annoying thing. It's slowing the game. You think you are at the end of your turn, pressing end of turn, then you get this ' a unit needs orders' - why didn't you ask earlier? - you also have to click on it before it shows you which unit needs an order, before you...
  14. draaibaar

    [FIXED] Maritime cities don't give me the food they promise.

    In my games i never get food from maritime cities. Here's a save: - conquer with the sword Stockholm (east of the map) - next turn - now i am allies with Copenhagen (south), it's said they give food in all cities but no...:cry:
  15. draaibaar

    [FIXED] CTD when demanding cash.

    The following save crashed to desktop after doing the following moves: - click on diplomacy - click on Gandhi - click on gold (30) - change this into gold (63) - click on demand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:cry:
  16. draaibaar

    Can't make peace

    Alex and i declare on Hiawatha on agreement. 4 Turns later Alex declares on me. Now i try to make peace with Hiawatha but i can't cause of my agreement with Alex...:lol:
  17. draaibaar

    Game crashes

    Playing Alexander, my game crashes after 82 turns, here's the save, click 'nex turn' and crash.
  18. draaibaar

    Hammers in queue lost

    I did put some hammers in a catapult, then decided to switch to build a market and put the catapult as second in the queue. A few turns later i researched Physics (trebuchet). Turns later i looked into my queue and the catapult (with hammers) was disappeared. No save.
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