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  1. sumthinelse

    Mysterious SSL exchange

    I bought a computer from IBM, with win2k installed. I noticed that every time I power it up it in win2k, it exchanges a bunch of SSL (secure socket layer) data with It doesn't start a new process when it does this - it may have a DLL hooked into the system. I would...
  2. sumthinelse

    low-priced software

    I won't post the url of this site, since that could be contrued to be advertising. It allows you to get software at very low prices, and you get $5.00 off if you get it via download. But if you choose to check out, the "terms and conditions" require you to turn off your firewall while...
  3. sumthinelse

    "War Threads"

    "There are enough war threads in OT, and the Civ3 Forums isn't the place for war threads. Any war thread posted will be closed." -- Chieftess, from Civ3 General Discussions forum. I think what Chieftess means is threads about USA attacking Iraq. At first I thought she meant that you could not...
  4. sumthinelse

    Dual booting win2000 server and linux

    I have 2 machines. Each has only 1 hard drive. One is an old cheap one, the new one I built with a new ASUS Athlon motherboard. The old one has a 9G win95 C: partition at the start of the drive. The new one has Win2000 Server installed, with an 8G C: partition at the start of the drive. I...
  5. sumthinelse

    Catalog of Incomplete/Confusing/Wrong CIV3 Documentation

    Did you ever have trouble finding information about CIV3 or PTW? I guess that's one big reason we have these civfanatic forums! Here I am starting a list of things that I wanted to find in the Civilopaedia or game manual but found no satisfactory answer. I will start this list with a few...
  6. sumthinelse

    20 turn deal expires automatically

    Has anyone besides me seen this happen in a MP game? I had "Always renegotiate deals" = OFF and trade routes were OK. No diplo screen came up -- just a message that the luxuries were lost. This was between 2 human players, and neither of us ended the deal. The game did that for us! :mad:
  7. sumthinelse

    How do you make the window bigger?

    I have some apps ported from DOS and linux which run in small windows. I set "Run Maximed" in the shortcut but that didn't work. The original apps ran in a larger screen....
  8. sumthinelse

    New Ultima 7 version!

    It's called Exult. It is supposed to run on modern machines. Before this, since Ultima 7 did not run on windows (it took over memory and drive management) it was a pain to get it to work. Now there are [b] free [/v] win32, linux, bsd unix, mac versions. This is really one of the classic RPGs...
  9. sumthinelse

    Is there a free VPN package for windows?

    I can use SSH and PPTP (both free) for linux but I have to "punch a hole in my firewall" to use SSH, because I use subnet.
  10. sumthinelse

    WIN9X mode in WIN2000

    On my old WIN2000 machine (motherboard croaked) I had a "command prompt" icon that had a flag that said "Run in WIN9X compatability mode" or something like that. Some (old) programs wouldn't even install unless I ran them in that mode. I right clicked on the "command prompt" and chose...
  11. sumthinelse

    What is the probability of dying of disease ?

    In PTW I have had an average of less than 2 citizens in a flood plain for 50 turns but had 2 disease outbreaks. Maybe I was very unlucky, or maybe the chance of disease in a flood plain is 1/50? I wonder if this changed from civ3.... Edit: I discovered the cause. In PTW Engineering seems to...
  12. sumthinelse

    What happened to the civ3 combat calc

    And many other pages on are "empty" but the main page works?
  13. sumthinelse

    Worst review ever for PTW?

    Computer Gaming World says PTW isn't even worth $3. Users disagree (user reviews below the CGW review) and give PTW higher marks. You can write you own review on their website. CGW score: 2/10 Average CGW user review: 7.4/10 Personal opinion: I...
  14. sumthinelse

    TF: does "new thread" use more space?

    After multiple new threads in Civ3 GD asked the same question about the diplo screen with more than 8 civs, I posted that the answer was in the FAQ and got flamed. One comment that followed was the premise that any number of new threads is OK, because threads are not getting bumped off page...
  15. sumthinelse

    Does war weariness exist in mp?

    I have been trying to get war weariness for 50 turns in a pbem game. Democrarcy, I have lost lost lots of units, lost over 50% of my cities, still no WW. Did firaxis disable WW in multiplayer?
  16. sumthinelse

    PTW debug mode: create unit

    In debug mode, you press shift+F1. The 3 buttons at the bottom are All, Player, Experience. What does the "All" button do?
  17. sumthinelse

    research and goody huts

    I played civ3 quite a bit, now I have gone back to civ2. In civ3, if I was currently researching a certain advance, it would never appear from a goody hut unless it was the only tech available. Is that still true in civ2. In civ3, some advances take longer than others. In civ2, I am...
  18. sumthinelse

    SMAC and civ2:test of time

    I just bought TOT. I looked at the extended tech chart, and it the "extended" part looks like SMAC. I have not had time to get to the extended part yet. I assume you are the same civ on alppha centauri. What other differences are there? Which game is more recent, SMAC or TOT?
  19. sumthinelse

    Most frustatiing attempt to buy PTW?

    I saw several posts about walmart having a price sticker on the game shelf for PTW, and I saw the same sticker at a local walmart. I called another walmart in town, and talked to the electronics dept. guy. I specifically said "civilization 3 play the world" and made sure he understood that it...
  20. sumthinelse

    "Exploits" in PTW?

    An "exploit" is some action that you can take to gain an advantage too easily, but it can also be an action you can take that affects other players too easily, even if it does not give you an advantage. In PTW, will some players wait for another civ to switch to democracy and then declare...
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