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  1. T

    Who to Declare war on?

    I am currently trying to move up to prince and just installed BtS. I played a game as Justinian (everything on standard except custom continents with 2 continents). I played up to about 1500 and just got the UU (my research rate was pretty low, but I just managed to get it back up to 70%). I...
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    AI DoW at Friendly?!!!

    I was playing a game on noble (standard, continents, normal speed). It was me and the Incas on one continent, everyone else on another. I axe rushed Huayna early in the game and settled the entire continent. Luckily, the other civs were not unified religiously (Also, this is warlords, so no AP)...
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    New Method for Founding Religions

    It doesn't make sense to me that you should get a religion just by being the first to a certian tech. Didn't Babylon and Greece beat China to CoL and Philosophy? Instead of just researching it, you should have to expend a great prophet in one of your cities after you have researched the...
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    How score is determined

    I was looking around the XML files in GlobalDefines and found the entries that tell how score is determined. I figured some people might want to know. I did a few searches and couldn't find a thread that already explained it.(I did find a few question threads though) Here are the entries. The...
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    Start two spaces away from two civs!

    The map generator just placed me in an archipelago two spaces away from Mehemed + Monty! (look at the screenshot) This was Terra and standard map size. Thats the closest I've ever seen three civs. Should I just regenerate the map? I attached the save if anyone with Warlords wants to try it. It's...
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    Should I move up to prince?

    Yesterday I beat my first game on noble (also first game that I finished on noble. I usually get bored and start a new game by the middle ages. Trying to stop doing that.) I played as Gandhi and won a diplomatic victory. I defeated 1 civ and vassalized two others, so between me and my vassals, I...
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    OB Refusal

    Mehemed II just canceled OB with me. When I mouse over, the reason is not "We don't like you enough" but "Not right now... perhaps in a few years". I haven't seen anyone say that before. Has anyone else ever seen that one and does it mean anything different?
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    Noble SE Help

    I recently made the transition to noble difficulty and usually run a hybrid economy that leans more towards cottage. I have been reading about SE in the past few days and decided to try one out just to see how good it was. I played as Gandhi of India (Phi/Spi) and I'm currently in the late...
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    Barb Trade Route?

    I was recently playing a game and York was captured by barbarians. (I am not the English) In the event log, it does not show that England recaptured York. Yet my capital is still trading with York.:confused: Here are two screen shots of the game. The first shows that York was captured. The...
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    Question about Floodplains/Desert

    I had thought that whenever a river went through a destert tile, that desert would become a floodplain. Well, I just started a game and found several desert squares bordering a river that weren't floodplains! :confused: Here a screen shot. Will someone please look at it.
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    Size of continents on Terra?

    I am playing a game on noble and going for a domination win. Currently in the late rennasaince era and no one has Astronomy yet. I currently have about 27% of the land area and want to know how much of the larger continent I have to conquer in order to have a reasonable amount of cities on the...
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    Swordsman vs. Trireme?!

    I was recently playing a game on noble dificulty and was at war with Persia. We both had open borders with Saladin and I was exploring his territory with a swordsman (I had beelined Machinery and Civil Service for a Mace rush so I didn't need him. The Persians only had archers.:D) Apparantly...
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