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  1. AlphaShard

    When do you settle your second city

    I'm a Epic and Huge map player who tends to play on Warlord level, that being said I tend to bee line the Liberty tree to get to the free Settler. Usually my first build is the Monument followed by a scout, after that I tend to change it depending on what civ I am playing sometimes another...
  2. AlphaShard

    Win7 keeps replacing CivilizationIV.ini file

    I did some changes to my CivilizationIV.ini file and Windows 7 keeps replacing it, why does it keep doing this? It makes a copy of the file adding .bak to it and putting the default file in it's place. How do I get it to stop doing that? I have Windows 7 64-bit. I have Civ IV BtS and War patch...
  3. AlphaShard

    My units are invisible!

    Ok I have no idea how to fix this but my units are invisible! My daughter got to my keyboard while I was out and clearly turned off unit visibility which I had no idea was even possible in this game! Help! How do I turn them back on??
  4. AlphaShard

    The Internet, should be a Tech not a Wonder.

    Unlike many of the World and National (Excluding Rock and Roll) wonders the the Internet is not in just one place nor is it the property of just one Civ. I think it would make more sense for this to be a technology that a Civ would have to tech and then once achieved could get science bonus's...
  5. AlphaShard

    A Sirius News Letter

    I was wondering if you guys would like a newsletter done like Quatronia did talking about their stonehenge, we could do one on the conquest of Carib. Or would we rather keep are cards to our chests still? I thought it would be something fun to do and we could call it The Sirius Times.
  6. AlphaShard

    Front Page Update

    So how does the rest of you feel about this Front Page update DaveMCW is going to do which will show that we've had the lead in the Tech race. Which I figure most will know but I don't know about removing all doubt.
  7. AlphaShard

    Score affected by Time?

    Does time affect your end score? I've noted that when I got a Culture victory in late 1800's-1900's my score was very low, I think it was 9000. When I won a Culture victory in the 1500's I got a MUCH better score at 100K. Has anyone descovered how this works in the game?
  8. AlphaShard

    Poll: Next Tech

    What's the next Tech we should research let's have a official vote on it. :goodjob: Depending on which tiles we work the amount of turns may vary. This was with the Fish tile being worked, if we allow the city to grow then it will speed some of these times up.
  9. AlphaShard

    Poll: Next Build for Sirius to work on

    So the next options to build are: Settler, Worker, Warrior, Workboat and Barracks. Once the city grows to level 2 we can work the 3H and shave three turns off (7 to 4) on the workboat.
  10. AlphaShard


    I didn't think we needed this thread for later, until a player from another team basically just announced what's in their BFC. Not sure which team he is one but they have a civ with just a warrior and not FIN. Stating that you can wonder whore and have no Commerce is not a good idea. Oh well...
  11. AlphaShard

    We yern to join our motherland

    How do you deal with this if you have vasseled the AI that the city is from? It is their former capital and I have managed to get it's culture up to Influential the the :mad: keeps going up.
  12. AlphaShard

    Trebuchet vs Catapults

    I've seen in many of my multiplayer games that Treb's don't get used much and some seem to really not like them. The only advantage the Cat has over the Trebs seems to be in it's 5 base attack. Whereas the Treb has 100% city attack and double the bombardment damage. I'm just wondering why some...
  13. AlphaShard

    Should Sheep bring in commerce?

    I think it's interesting the sheep's primary use in game is for the food while ignoring the wool trade for commerce bonus. I guess it's more for game balance? Though I do think that there is more cause for Commerce bonus for sheep then food, when compared to Cow, Seafood, Corn, Wheat and rice...
  14. AlphaShard

    Trying to get Diplomatic Victory

    I have a Warlord level game that I am trying to finish on a Diplomatic victory, I just built the UN. Now there are currently 5 other Civs, one of them is my vassal (Spain) and the other four are on another continent. The other four also have their own religion which hasn't spread to me, I know...
  15. AlphaShard

    Expansion: # of cities by certain dates

    I know I've seen the term REX and overexpansion coined alot on this forum but I haven't seen a discussion on just how much one should expand according to the time. This I think is mostly for BC era, for instance I notice most AI will get a second city going around 2500-2600 BC. I've noticed...
  16. AlphaShard

    Randomly declaring war

    I just started a Warlord level game and rush chopped some axes to destroy my closed two neighboring Civs (Mayan Pacal and Americans Washington). As I figured those were the closet two, the next being Japan. I'm on a huge continent with the remaining Civs a good distance from me. Napoleon and...
  17. AlphaShard

    How Many religons can be in one city

    So far I have only been able to get four religons into one city, has anyone gotten more? Or is it more that with four religons the rate of failure is just so high it would take several missionaries just to get it in there?
  18. AlphaShard

    World Wonders: Crutch or Strategic implements

    Searching I found no topic about the the World Wonders in general and their use in the game. It's a little in relation to the whole needing stone and marble thread but I wanted to get opinions on the world wonders themselves. I tend to like building Stonehenge+Oracle mostly to get the Prophet GP...
  19. AlphaShard

    Civ is stingy with Stone and Marble

    I've noticed on most of my maps that the game is extremely stingy with giving me stone and marble. Sometimes there's only ONE stone in the whole map, whereas there'll be a ton of Gold, Silver, Iron, Copper and coal all over the place. Is there a good map setting to insure more instances of Stone...
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