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  1. M

    K-Mod with BULL

    Any chance of implementing the BULL changes into K-Mod's DLL and integrating those parts of BUG that required BULL? I'm loving K-Mod, but I'm missing BUG+BULL.
  2. M

    AI-only game

    I looked around a little bit, but I haven't seen a way to set up a game that's AI-only that you can just watch. It'd be better if you can interrupt the automatic 'next turn' occasionally to investigate everything (ie, have full view of any cities/no fog of war/know all techs they have/so on)...
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    building makes units build faster

    I can't seem to find a way to make a unit build faster if you have a certain building. There's the domain build faster for drydock/airport, but there appears to be no more specific way. Does anyone have any suggestions? (XML only.) I dislike how I can't spread religion very effectively...
  4. M

    leader name

    Does anyone know how to make it such that when I have a random leader in a custom game that it will automatically name me after that leader, instead of being my multiplayer game name?
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    holy city placement

    What tips does anyone have for manipulating which city gets to be the holy city of a new religion you found? I'm trying to specialize a Wall Street city, but I always get my holy city in the wrong place. I know that Buddhism/Polytheism, if I get them, will always be my capital; but, starting...
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    leaderhead compendium

    Is there a leaderhead compendium, including screenshots of each, in one page?
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    [terrain] mqs' terrain

    I've always "complained" about the lack of terrain mods for Civ4 (they were, afterall, one of my favorite things that came out of Civ3 (here's looking at Warpstorm...). While a lot of people like BlueMarble, I never did because it reduces the contrast between terrains even more than the...
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    Resouces and Improvements (sic)

    I've been listening to the sounds unpacked from the FPK files. I noticed a misspelled "Resouces and Improvements" folder that has a lot of ambient sounds I don't recall hearing before. Does anyone know if they truly are not used and how one could make them play in the game? I also just...
  9. M

    Advanced start borders

    I've noticed that some cities when doing advanced start (at 100 points only -- enough so you get your initial city placement (costs 90) within the 5-radius line of sight around your starting location) start with expanded borders (2 radius) instead of just the normal 1 border. I'm talking first...
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    AI-only game to watch

    Does anyone know of a way to get an AI-vs-AI game going, with no human players and just watch it? I used to do that in the old SNES game "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and let it run for a few days, looking over at the screen while I did other things. I can't think of a way to do this in...
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    Where are the settings for barbarian spawns? I'd like to play with what units they can get (for an upcoming "raging barbarians" I'm planning to play once I finish this "no barbarians" game). Mainly, I'd like them to some more relevantly and later in the game.
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    Granary UB

    I noticed the Terrace is the only UB based from the granary. I'm rather surprised there's no UB that's a granary that retains more than 50% food. What are people's thoughts on this? I think a Granary that retained 70% food after growth wouldn't be necessarily too strong compared to some of...
  13. M

    no-wonders game

    I was wondering, has anyone made a "no wonders" mod? It'd be pretty simple to do, but if I can save time, great. A check box for pre-game setup would be awesome. I also wonder, what would people suggest as a bonus to the industrious to make up for a wonderless game? I'm thinking a bonus...
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    technology in the late game

    No matter what I do, even on easiest difficulties (I usually play at Warlord for most 'passive fun') -- I cannot keep up or ahead in the tech race in the end-game. I don't rely heavily on wonders for tech such that losing them kills my strategy, nor do I over expand -- I manage to keep my tech...
  15. M

    Civ4 unexpanded -> Warlord Hall of Fame

    Has anyone discovered a way to convert the Hall of Fame from Civ4 to Warlords?
  16. M

    [MODCOMP] Protective Trait (snippet)

    I searched and I didn't find this posted, so here it is: the protective trait. Charismatic may be doable (but I don't know how). Imperialistic couldn't be. CIV4TraitInfos.xml add: <TraitInfo> <Type>TRAIT_PROTECTIVE</Type> <Description>TXT_KEY_TRAIT_PROTECTIVE</Description>...
  17. M

    palace section of save game file format

    I don't recall noticing any documents of the save game file format in the forums where I looked. Last night I went through and determined the Palace section for my own enjoyment (Yeah, I wanted to see a fully upgraded one for once...) I took some time playing with Civilization 3 saved...
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