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  1. Oerdin has its Civ 6 forum up. is the internet's oldest Civilization series fan site and we have always had good relations with the folks here at CFC so I thought I would make a thread here and just let other members of the Civ community know that Apolyton now has a Civ 6 forum as well. Why not pop over and...
  2. Oerdin

    Does anyone know what's up with Apolyton?

    It's been down for a whole day now.
  3. Oerdin

    Anyone know a good leg of lamb recipe?

    I have a great boneless leg of lamb I bought at Costco and I'm supposed to be making it for dinner tonight for four of us (my girlfriend & I plus one other couple). Yes, I could just google a recipe but that would be a shot in the dark so I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone has any good...
  4. Oerdin

    What other forums do you post at?

    I find I usually end up going to the same two or three forums and I'm looking for something new. What other forums do you visit or recommend and why?
  5. Oerdin

    Differences in moderation: Apolyton vs CFC.

    Since the other thread got closed for going off topic I'd like to see if we can do another thread which actually stays on topic. IMO there is a pretty fundamental difference in the moderation styles between Civilization's two main fan sites and much of it has to do with who visits each site...
  6. Oerdin

    Problems getting Civ5 to launch on new computer.

    OK, I've owned Civ5 since I downloaded it off of steam on release day and up until recently I've been playing it on my old system which just barely met the system requirements (so I played it on the lowest settings using direct X 9.0) but I finally put together my new system and would like to...
  7. Oerdin

    The AI is stupid.

    I've taken 6 out of 8 cities, I have over a dozen units to their zero units, I offer peace at neutral term and the AI refuses. They should be begging me to let them live and the dumb turbs are literally facing annihilation yet they refuse an extremely generous offer of peace. The AI is...
  8. Oerdin

    What is Komler?

    In the ketchup thread someone said he put ketchup on his komler. I'm assuming it is some sort of Scandinavian food though there appears to be no English language site with a definition for "komler". Not even wiki. I did find this picture but I'm not sure if it is correct or even exactly "it"...
  9. Oerdin

    About deleting threads.

    In the future if there is a single questionable post in an otherwise good thread would it be possible to delete that post rather then the entire thread? I was really enjoying my CFC thread discussing Apolyton as it gave me the first good reason to come here in several months.
  10. Oerdin

    About deleting threads.

    In the future if there is a single questionable post in an otherwise good thread would it be possible to delete that post rather then the entire thread? I was really enjoying my poly at CFC thread as it gave me the first good reason to come here in several months. :king:
  11. Oerdin

    DALE! - C4C Age of Discovery II 1.08

    Posted here since Dale had a whole to do with Asher over at Poly. I have acquired a... er, "modified" copy of C4C and I don't see any mods folder at all. Under the C4C directory I can see Assets, Civ4gamecoreDLL, miles, public maps, resource, and shaders but nothing else. All of these sub...
  12. Oerdin

    Playing the Indians.

    Are there any mods which make it possible to play the various Indian tribes? I ask because it seems obvious they can build things in their villages and they can even found new villages so it might be interesting just to play them and see how it goes.
  13. Oerdin

    MP is pretty hard.

    It seems like all the human players just want to attack each other instead of build up their empires peacefully. That's fun for a while but it does have its downsides namely short games and no one ever seems to make it to independence.
  14. Oerdin

    Gays are the new Blacks.

    Back in the 1950's Blacks were the most discriminated group in the country. People called them niggers and claimed that blacks were both lazy & stupid while at the same time ingenious in their ability to get out of work and tireless in their pursuit of white women. That these claims contradicted...
  15. Oerdin

    Naked pictures of Sarah Palin now on the net!

    If this turns out to be true then McCain may have just shot himself in the foot. I don't want to break any site rules so I will simply link to the Apolyton thread which does have the links in question. ;)
  16. Oerdin

    How to deal with decline in the rust belt?

    I started thinking about this because of Barack Obama's speech about the long slow decline of rust belt cities. Up until the 1970's states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois were the beating heart of American heavy industry because they had most of the steel mills, the car...
  17. Oerdin

    Better late then never or Poland works to heal communist era anti-Semitism.

    In 1968 the Polish Communist Party revoked the citizenship and deported one half of the country's Jewish population in a bout of anti-Semitism. University students had protested in the streets after a dispute over a play and the communist party wanted a scapegoat. Publicly the communists blamed...
  18. Oerdin

    Why don't America rightists understand the difference between Socialism and Communism

    I'm not a big supporter of either system but I get tired of reading the socialism = communism fallacy in thread, after thread, after thread. How can so many people be so poorly educated in political science?
  19. Oerdin

    UK KFC Meet up?

    You could all get together for some of the Colonel's finest. :mischief: (OK, this was a bad copy cat thread. I'm sorry.)
  20. Oerdin

    Looking for players for a game tonight.

    Anyone interested in a game of civ4 around 5pm Pacific time tonight? I'll be in the lobby at that time.
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