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  1. Z

    Escorting workers

    How do you keep your workers protected, with minimal player input? I usually group my workers with a military unit, which will happily accept its group has finished working for the turn when the worker is busy. But it does not work in C2C and I have not experienced this in other mods. Making the...
  2. Z

    Losing is fun

    I was incapacitated by ecstasy when my capital was attacked on turn 73-74 by a stack of five Ira. That was lots and lots of fun. :P
  3. Z


    Why is it so bad? It is completely useless, compared to an easily mass producable howitzer (spelling incorrect I presume). It has a little bit higher base strength than a howitzer, I give you that, but with 10 refined mana, that's...insignificant, a howitzer is just as untouchable. I'm not sure...
  4. Z

    Conquest or obliteration victory?

    Which do you prefer? To take your enemies' cities, or just burn them all down? When playing the 'regular' game of 'only victory matters'. The former requires insane number of garrison units and raises maintenance costs. The latter brings about armageddon, at least on big maps.
  5. Z

    Defeat, how does it work?

    What are the conditions under which a civ is defeated? Is it losing all cities and every unit capable of founding a city? Is it tied to a specific unitclass (unitclass_settler) or the ability to found a city? Is it possible to play a civ that completely lacks the ability to own cities and not...
  6. Z

    Balance Guardian

    Yes it is about the bonus of 2 defensive strength for the capital's garrison. I feel it is wrong somehow. It is supposed to keep civs alive through the early barbarians, right? And to discourage warrior rushing. Granted, it makes warriors pretty much immune to anything spawning early on. So it...
  7. Z

    Unit religions?

    I was running a Sheaim game, going for the 'gone to hell' victory. I had founded AV, yet it had yet to spread to all my cities. But even my cities without the religion were pious worshippers of Agares. Is this intentional? I think unit religion was changed at some point to favour your state...
  8. Z

    Setting up an infernal game, tips anyone?

    I'm going to start a game in which I start off normally and go for infernal pact, switching to Hyborem as soon as possible. Okay, no problem there. The problem is the demon population. I want lots. How do I set up a game where I get about 10 manes every turn from the AI killing off each other...
  9. Z

    Does the 'AI' have a clue what to research? (It is a rhetoric question.)

    What's wrong with this game. Turn 521, epic speed, I checked on Capria's progress in the field of technology. It turns out I could have sold her ancient chants, not that she could give me anything for it. I find it odd that on prince the AI does not get education by turn 500. Now the only...
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    Two words

    I've got two words for you guys: IT WORKS! :king: [party][party]
  11. Z

    Game start CTD?

    Is it just me, or does 0.43B always crash at game start? I have done a clean install so afaik I did not break it, yet.
  12. Z

    World broken?

    When I play against Sheaim they use their worldspell at ac 50. And it hurts, it hurts so bad. I have seen it do 98% damage to an unit. Could it potentially wipe out all opposition if used at 100?
  13. Z

    Alazkan is not happy

    We all know Alazkan should be renamed 'the terminator'. However, in FF he has to give up his claim to the position of 'the most broken mass butcher'. The title goes to Mizquizli today. And here's why: First of all, Mizquizli can be upgraded from either an assassin or a priest of Agruonn. I...
  14. Z

    Abolishing Council Resolutions

    Global Civic Liberty, if you are Bannor and wish to Overcouncil, better hold the office for the entire game. Otherwise you will never, ever crusade anything. And what else should Bannor do? More generally, why are these council resolutions permanent? What if the leaders changed their mind? In...
  15. Z

    Docile corporations

    Why don't my corporations spread automatically? Just think of the micromanagement nightmare in gigantic games where you have 100+ cities. And yes, I have had that before. And the national limit on executives makes it even more of a pita. (The national limit I can remove easy enough though.)...
  16. Z

    Great Commanders?

    Since I can no longer copy my great commander from military strategy with blood of the phoenix, how can I reliably get more of them? The chances of them being born are way too low. Perhaps give them through the same mechanic vanilla bts does? I got plenty of units and heroes in need of xp gain...
  17. Z

    Feasting to the max

    I want to change the minimum population required to feast. Therefore conquered cities become a snack for my vampires. I want to completely wipe out a city this way. The problem: How do I accomplish this? EDIT: Well I managed to reduce the population requirement. Yet it will not raze the city...
  18. Z

    Kuriotates ... and their wortless expansion

    How about giving Kuriotate settlements all the capabilities of a city but they can to only work only the adjacent 8 squares? Or like normal cities of other civilizations. They are supposed to be builders, right? Afaik their frontier territory has very little industry (lorewise) but zero...
  19. Z

    Adding combat modifier to technology? Possible? In need of XML help

    I'll get straight to the point. I want to modify future tech so that it gives a minor cumulative bonus to all units' combat strength. The reason for this: Because highly advanced civs should have an edge over their primitive rivals. Currently there is very little real value for future tech...
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