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Search results

  1. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Request: Ability to do an OCC Culture Win

    Hi. One thing I loved about 3 was the 1 city 20k culture victory. I'm cIV modding illiterate and I was wondering if there is any mod out there that would let any map with any civ win a OCC 50k culture victory. If not, I'd apreciate it (as I'm sure there are others who would too) if someone...
  2. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Styx Creation Myth Challenge

    Like any good Greek city, Styx needs to have myths surrounding its founding. That's where the good people of the nation come in. Our first challenge is the creation of Styx myth. Guidelines: Styx is going to be a costal city with some cows nearby. Be sure to include this. The founding...
  3. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Term II- Styx: More Cowbell

    Styx is now in session! Founding Date: 1550 Styx Stats: Citizens: 1 Shileds Produced: 3 Food Produced: 3 Commerce Produced: 1 Tiles Worked: 1 Tiles Available to Work: 9 Maintenance: 0 Happy/Content: 0/1 Science: 1 Treasury: 0 NEEDS: Curragh, Temple, Worker Improvements...
  4. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Four and Five

    We now see pretty much where everything is in our immediate area and I feel we might be able to plan out where to put our fourth and fifth cities. I've stated already my belief that 4 should be a harbor (and have been vindicated with tucows... err... two cows), but where do we put it? Same...
  5. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Stick with Philo?

    As you can see in the latest save, we were not the first ones to get to writing. This makes me question our intent on the Philo gambit. The AI could already have a heads up of 2 turns on us. If we intend on getting literature, should we go directly for it or cross our fingers on the gambit...
  6. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Third City, anyone?

    Within the possible 15 turns I'll be playing on Friday, we WILL have a third settler pop up. I'd hate to end the chat because we don't have an inkling of where to put it. We know a bit about the area surrounding us. However, we still have too much fog surrounding us. This is a 5CC. Remember...
  7. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Turnchat Thread - 2630C - Friday, August 26th - 2:00 pm EST, 18:00 8/26 GMT

    Game Session 5- 2630 BC Starting Save Previous Instruction Thread This will be an online session. The Designated Player is: SaaM Start Date/Time: Friday, August 26th, 1pm NYC (GMT -5) GMT: Saturday, August 26th, 17:00 Instructions checklist: President, Octavian X: Check...
  8. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    The Preacher Speaks

    A man in rather festive garments, with a rather festive hairdo to match has gathered those willing to listen to a hill to preach his beliefs. Now it is time to listen OOC: think the Rev. Al Sharpton. Brothers and Sisters! Or maybe just sister! I'm not sure of our demographics. I come...
  9. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Term 1: Styx. Come Sail Away

    Greetings from Styx! We don't exist yet. So stay tuned for more stuff.
  10. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    The Name A City Contest

    Thats right! I'm giving you, John Q. Citizen, the chance to come up with the name for the fourth jewel of the Fanatikos Crown. (I still get final say over what the name is, but you come up with the choices) Rules: A) The City name must be either Greek-Based, Literature-Based, Musical...
  11. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    Turnchat 1370 AD: VICTORY!! 14:00 EDT, 18:00 GMT

    Last turnchat of the game. 1270 AD (Last TC before the Brew-Ha-Ha) Save, Zipped Save, File This is on Thursday, July 7th. Unlike the normal TC Thread, I want to keep this one open to the people. This also serves as my presidental thread. Here is my plan for victory. Rather than...
  12. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    The End

    Well, It appears I am the final President of DG VI. Here is my plan for victory. Rather than push the button a few times, I am going for one risky move and capturing the enemy city of Lagatero. While this may be a stupid move, if successful, it puts us at the end of the game in one turn...
  13. Stuck_as_a_Mac


    Dateline: 1370 AD In the somewhat peaceful village of Gordium, residents awoke last night to a startling sight: The citys library had, for lack of a better word, aslpoded. Where there had once been a veritable insitution of learning, there now stood a smoldering hole. Local residents were...
  14. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    CCT3D7: Curses! Foiled Again!

    Well, in the last chat the Byzantines beat us to the punch and build Sistines before we could finish it. We have 4 turns left until we build Leos Workshop. BUT, we also have 4 turns (can be made lower) left until we research Economics. Using the "Whats The Big Picture" not-an-exploit, we can...
  15. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    CCT3D6: I work here too.

    Well, appearantly in my absence, someone started building a Great Wonder Prebuild. Thats nice. Wish someone from Culture had done something discussionwise, but you can't wish for everything (as I painfully learned after a ride). So... let's get a look at the country now, shall we? As we...
  16. Stuck_as_a_Mac

    CCT3D5: One More For The Road

    Alrighty. Here we go with the last discussion before SaaMy here gets on a bus and heads down to Florida for much marching-band related fun (which will be given a thread for pics, dun worry) As per the request of Madame Presidente Well, our policy goes like this: -Take up as much of...
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