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  1. V

    Question about wiping out a religion's founder

    I got a poor start on producing faith in my current game. Popped a goody hut and created a pantheon but that was the extent of it. Meanwhile my neighbor Dido founded Islam. I took her capital, the Islam holy city. Next time I had faith to spend I bought a missionary and spread Islam to my core...
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    Pronunciation guide to Civ city names?

    Is there a pronunciation guide to Civ city names somewhere here? If not, it would be a good resource to have. I was just listening to quill18's latest Persia LP and googling for the pronunciation of Pasargadae, then Susa, then Almaty.
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    National Wonders: would 3 per city nerf things?

    I don't see too much debate about this, but would raising the limit of national wonders per city from two to three nerf the gameplay? It seems to me it would concentrate a little more power in a few cities, but maybe not unreasonably so. And it would raise the stakes a little more during war in...
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    First One-City Challenge, some questions

    I played a quick OCC, my first, just to test if my vanilla Civ 4 install worked on my Win 7/64 laptop (it did, though the subsequent BTS install failed). It was a fun and quick game, island map. AI Gandhi won a Time victory. I was attacked once, by an AI who got rifles just before I did, but...
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    My first Monarch start

    So I decided to make the jump from Noble to Monarch, and chose Ramesses for my first try. My early choices made the early going particularly tough, and I'd like to get feedback on opening strategies here. Custom game, fractal map (thanks lymond), I think tech-brokering is off but all other...
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    My first Monarch start

    :sad: I play Civ4 on my other laptop, so I don't have the save handy here (can't get it to play on this Windows 7 machine), but I'll edit later to add the start file. Just wanted to commiserate a bit I guess. I thought I would try the jump from Noble to Monarch and after reading a number of...
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    Cohokia, cheap (or, Cherrypicking an AI Cap)

    I just had an interesting little thing happen. I'm playing on a fractal map that consists of just one continent that stretches almost around the globe yet doesn't reach either pole. Lots of jungle and forest. I started in the middle of it. To my east is Shaka, to the west is Sitting Bull...
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    New laptop W7 64bit woes: patches fail!

    My old laptop died two days ago, and its successor is a sweet little HP with Windows 7 64bit. And 3 gig ram! I can finally play Civ4 as it's meant to be played! :lol: I was able to successfully install vanilla Civ4, despite a warning about known compatibility issues, and got the title menu...
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    First diplomatic victory

    And my first win on Prince level. And it was just ... weird. I took control of the southern half of the map (Inland Sea) and settled in to rebuild my economy, when Joao, on the other side of Zara, declared on me. Just as I got his initial attack repulsed, thanks to my air power which was the one...
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    Slowest game in historay

    :crazyeye: I stepped up to Prince, chose the Inland Sea map for kicks, playing with Willem. Going clockwise, it's me, Zara, Joao, Asoka, Montezuma, Gilgamesh, Justinian, and back to me. I'm in 1800 AD and almost nothing has happened. The map is resource poor -- only Monte has any stone, for...
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    Senior moment - problem loading any mod

    Every time I try to figure this out my brain checks out and my eyes glaze over. I know I've messed something up. Whenever I go to load a mod, any mod, the borders of information are all missing. All I see is the center of the screen with the active unit and the landscape around it. A screenshot...
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    Uranium - your strategy

    Once you've gotten physics and see uranium on the map, to what extent will you go to control all sources of it? And how does it change your behavior toward the civs that have it? I recently had an 'aha' moment on an archipelago map where I realized I could corner the U235 market with some work...
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    Would like to try HOF but....

    I'd like to try my hand at the Hall of Fame games, but as I understand it only the HOF mod is allowed (and I don't know exactly what that is). I have BUG, BULL (I think), and BAT installed on my game as of now. I also have messed around with some custom mods in the XML. My question is, how do I...
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    Prince, boxed in by JC

    So I make my first start on Prince, playing as Willem of Orange, large map, archipelago, snaky continents. The starting location is not that great for expansion and it takes me a while to get rolling. Well, I'm rolling now, as much as I can be. My cities are almost all hammer-poor and if not for...
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    AI in the very late game

    So I've gotten comfortable on Noble and it's time to move up to Prince. To prepare for that, in my last Noble game I played well past the victory condition to experiment with some things, such as colonies, logistics, supply lines, espionage, and generally just modern era warfare in all its...
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    Reworking AI attitude

    I'm interested in making changes to the way the AI attitude increments and decrements based on events and especially in terms of changing the modeling of how it responds to older events. I've found bits and pieces of XML but nothing that really seems to be the primary control routine for AI...
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    Resources on the trading screen: are they surplus?

    Quick question that keeps bugging me and I haven't been able to find it here. I'm probably overlooking the obvious. When you go to trade with another leader, and your tradeable resources are displayed - are these only your surplus resources? That is, if it shows Corn(1) and I trade it, have I...
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    Took the plunge to up my game

    I thought I would hate this: controlling every worker, carefully picking every new city's location, specializing every city, chopping every forest, tweaking through the civics for every little advantage. I thought it would be irritatingly slow and annoying. But no. It opens up the game and makes...
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    Painted myself into a corner

    To quote Ulysses Everett McGill: "Damn! We're in a tight spot!" I'm on Noble and thought I'd try out the archipelago/snaky/low sea level setup I'd read about somewhere here. The start looked nice and juicy and I wanted to fully occupy the landmass before other civs appeared. Well ... I spread...
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    Crashed airliner .. 3 times

    I just completed my first Noble/Epic win on BTS using the BUG mod. Three times, I got the message that one of my airliners crashed in Mali territory and nobody was talking. What does that mean? Did Mansa shoot them down? Or just completely random event? This was a really interesting and...
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