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  1. Lade

    Divine Intervention Games in FFH

    So, its been more than 2 years since I last took a look around for one of these, but from the two I partook in they were always a blast to read. So my question is simple, have any good ones gone on in that time, and are there any going on now?
  2. Lade

    How often do you quit in frustration?

    Since I'm a newbie, I get to ask questions. How often do you end up quiting in frustration when playing FFH? I imagine many of the forum-goers are more patient then I, so are more likely to just work through situations. However, in FFH where there are always so many barbarians, I often end up...
  3. Lade

    I broke out the N64 recently

    I really shouldn't have, no all the newer games I have feel like they suck :( Mostly because they do. Seriously, why have games become so much worse over time? I have one SNES that still beats every game for the newer consoles! Are game developers losing their touch, focusing to much on...
  4. Lade

    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    The MMORPG sequel to two awesome games, KotOR and KotOR II. The amount of (claimed) rpg material in it is mind-blowing. The trailer was pretty cool too. Any opinions on how well it'll turn out?
  5. Lade

    Civ's having a "primary" mana type?

    Do civs have a "primary" mana type, or is that just me misinterpreting things again? If they do, how accurate is the following list? Illians - Ice Amurites - Metamagic Clan of Embers - Fire Lanun - Water Khazad - Earth Hippus - Air Sidar - Death? Doviello - Chaos? Infernal -...
  6. Lade

    Do you like star wars?

    Do you like star wars? :) I think they're a pretty good collection of movies...
  7. Lade

    Respawn AI civ on destruction

    Would it be possible to add a "respawn AI civ on destruction" option to FFH, similar to the one in CIV 3, except only in the first 100 turns? Maybe that would increase early survivability rate for early civs?
  8. Lade

    Does Auric need a change?

    Does Auric need a change when he becomes the God of winter? Pick all that apply please EDIT: sorry about the typos in the poll, I really hate the words "to" and "too"
  9. Lade

    Any hope for a UU line for Malakim?

    I know that Kael earlier stated they're probably not going to add any more UU's, but I'd just like to throw this idea out there I think The Malakim should recieve camel UU's for both horsemen and Knights to go along with their current camel archers, and these units (along with not taking...
  10. Lade

    Why are there two "elven" promotions?

    I know I'm probably stupid for asking this, but why is it that in worldbuilder there are two seperate promotions for elven, with the exact same icon and bonuses?
  11. Lade

    Perp's alignment

    Perp is an interesting character who is also insane (His best idea: the best way to deal with Prisoners, launch a cow from a catapult, if it lands a odd number of yard away, kill them. Even number, let them go free) So why does his alignment work the same way as everyone elses, shouldn't it...
  12. Lade

    Do you play FFH exclusively?

    Do you play FFH exclusively? I'm trying to refer to FFH and "normal" CIV4 sorry if the choices are kinda broad 1. Yes, ever since I discovered it I play ONLY it 2. I mostly play FFH, but occasionally I play the normal game 3. I play about Half and Half 4. I mostly play normal Civ...
  13. Lade

    Wheres the Download

    Where can I download version 0.40? I tried redownloading somewhere, but I got another 0.34
  14. Lade

    The Calabim and Amurite AI

    Sorry, in my haste I made Does anyone else hate these two civs? I typically play on 19 civ maps, so they're always included The Calabim have the most unique and interesting unit system of all the civs. This can be fun when playing as them, but they are SO overpowered. I can almsot never...
  15. Lade

    Should I let Basium enter?

    Occasionally I like to make "scenarios" and let my friends play them to make thses "scenarios" I usually start a game and then let it play out, then after a while I wb it to balance things I find this gives it more interesting then just sticking cities in random places (its cool when...
  16. Lade

    Does anyone play BtS 1000AD?

    Does anyone play the BtS version of 1000 ad? Cause' I'm kinda obbsessed with it :lol: I would show people a picture of my latest HRE game, but I don't know how to take screenshots
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