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  1. bobgote

    Steve Waugh retires

  2. bobgote

    The In-Line post editing... very cool. :D I don't post here much anymore, but just wanted to say that this is a very nice feature. dunno if it's a VBulletin thing or a little CFC tweak but i like it a lot ;)
  3. bobgote

    Firefox 1.0 Preview Release check it: firefox goes to 1.0
  4. bobgote

    Just on profanity/coarse language again...

    I think we may need some definitions here, and by "we", I mean "I". I just got warned for quoting a word that was deemed profane, however it is not a word that I would normally think of as coarse. It's kind of difficult to guess what will and will not be taken that way - and i had thought...
  5. bobgote

    Halabja - Kurdish Gassing

    Just been looking for details of the Kurdish Gassing at Halabja, 1988 and having some trouble. It is commonly used by bush etc as evidence that Saddam gassed "his own" people. a brief google search yielded me a bunch of links saying that the incident is far from clear, and in fact points...
  6. bobgote

    Download managing application/protocol

    Hi All, I'm doing a project at the moment which requires me to send data from a server application to the client application, but i want to limit the amount of bandwidth (for the client) that this takes up. Does anyone know of any such applications (free) or perhaps a protocol that can do...
  7. bobgote

    Inflicting personal viewpoints on others

    Now, perhaps if you are blind, deaf and dumb, you may not have noticed that there is a general tendency on this forum against inflicting religion on other people. I agree with this viewpoint, and we can all see the sense involved in assuming this position. What I want to know is why many of...
  8. bobgote

    Chasing The Win

    I thought I'd try this thread after seeing the recent reaction to Claudio Ranieri trying to get a win at Monaco with a bunch of substitutes which ended up losing them the game. We have seen the result of this idea going bad recently, but I think that a good example of this strategy succeeding...
  9. bobgote

    Phone call causes PC to freeze

    It is a quite scary problem and i want to know how to fix it. Pretty much when i'm on the net and a phone call comes through to the house phone socket where the modem is plugged in, it causes my computer to freeze. Needless to say, quite distressing. Does anyone have any idea what could...
  10. bobgote

    Mosque targetted in Iraqi uprising

    Just thought i should bring up a thread about the US deliberately targetting the mosque in iraq with missiles and guided bombs. I've included a partial article here (its cut where marked by '...' . You can find the rest of the article from the link at the bottom if you want). The point the...
  11. bobgote

    Bin Laden's vision 'spread by Iraq invasion'

    Source: Figured it might be worth posting up here given topics of late. Not anticipating any huge revelations though.
  12. bobgote

    Optical Mice

    Don't you just hate how you can't use them on a glossy surface? Our lab tables at uni are glossy and the mouse goes spastic :( They just didn't think about it, did they? I have to use a piece of paper or something to stop it. maybe i should start bringing a mouse pad to school?
  13. bobgote


    As a Follow-up from the Non-Theistic Quiz thread, I am going to set about researching Taoism, which was my #1 result in the quiz. Post here if you know anything about it, or have any nice webpages about it, or if you just want to learn about it like me. I have this page already...
  14. bobgote

    Frivolous Lawsuits

    Got an email about the "Stella Awards" probably from this site: but I am unsure of accuracy. To the best of my knowledge, the following cases are true, so here they are, placegetters at the stella awards! so feel free to add any comments about such lawsuits...
  15. bobgote

    Desperate Diners Attack Trapped Fat Lady With Plastic Forks Summary: Obese Woman gets trapped in doorway of restaurant trying to get to toilet. Angry patrons begin taunting her and poking her with forks. To me, some things are so bizarre they are comedy. however you may...
  16. bobgote

    Zimbabwe "quit" Commonwealth

  17. bobgote

    Do the ends justify the means?

    This question always comes to my mind, especially in relation to the war on iraq. Would you break the law, or compromise your morals or principles, if in the end it resulted in your goal? I had always thought that the answer was obvious for me, that the end would never justify such a...
  18. bobgote

    Operating Systems for Cars?

    I'll put this in here, but maybe it should be in the Computer Talk bit. we'll see :) Source: Microsoft making car systems? Brake software updates? What do you think about this?
  19. bobgote

    North Korea promises secure email service

    North Korea prove how far they've come in civil freedom, with the government providing a secure private email system! Now, ALL of the computer using public are safe to use email to undermine their government without fear of retribution, because its secure and private :D
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