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  1. N

    Getting AI player in diplomacy screen

    I have added a new option to diplomacy screen. When the AI asks you to declare war to someone the AI is at war you now have an option "Give me 10 turns...". It allows you to prepare for the attack or see how the war's going to go. Everything works as planned but I'd like to check if the human...
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    Sibling error in LeaderHeadInfos

    I am slowly getting back to modding after a little break from it. I decided I should fix few errors and crashes from my mod. But because I had bought a new computer my latest DLL with source files were kinda missing. :D So I rebuilt the DLL from scratch and it compiled fine. The mod starts fine...
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    How can I create a global variable?

    I'm trying to finish the Animal Placement modcomp, but there seems to be something I don't understand about creating global variables (I think they are those) in python. Basicly it just loops through those defined bonuses, creates a string for the improvement and the build info and adds them...
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    Code in my module isn't running

    I have a problem. I have followed the BUG modding guide and I get no warnings when starting the game. And logs show that my module is loaded fine. But for some reason, my code in the onBuildingBuilt won't run. I haven't tested the others yet, but it seems the GameUtil function are...
  5. N

    Assert with newly added ContactRand CONTACT_PEACE_PRESSURE

    I'm adding the code from Afforess' Advanced Diplomacy modcomp that makes the AI ask for peace and etc. I compiled the DLL fine, but after adding the ContactRands and Delays I get the assert "Error in GetChildXmlVal function, unable to find a child node". I used the VS debug mode and seems like...
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    Unit Naming with spies

    I got this error when I trained a spy. I have added a unit combat for them (super spies mod) and to me it seems like unitnaming doesn't like it. :)Traceback (most recent call last): File "BugEventManager", line 361, in _handleDefaultEvent File "UnitNameEventManager", line 240, in...
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    Little help with BULL's source code...

    I consider adding BUG and BULL into my mod. They add lots of useful info. And because I have borrowed pretty much from them, I think I should add the rest too. :D I downloaded both and merging BUG seems pretty straightforward. BUT, I took a look at BULL's sources and at the first look I find it...
  8. N

    Quick help with a syntax error

    I'm adding dynamic civ names into my mod. I managed to compile the DLL properly, but now I get a syntax error I can't fix. The line in red gives the syntax error when the game loads but for me it seems correct:I've just started writing the python code so it might be kinda buggy. I appreciate...
  9. N

    Editing gamefont.tga and removing one religion

    Those who have modified the TGA files, do you have some simple advices how to edit the religion icons and remove one religion completely? How does the game select what icon to use? What programs you think I should use? Any good tutorials about it? Or anything that comes in your mind. I'm...
  10. N

    What do you think about unique unit artstyles?

    I'm in the middle of updating my mod's graphics and I began to think what is the best way to handle different unitartstyles. I don't know if I should add them at all, try to balance with few unit artstyles and unit arts or take the path to add as much unit graphics as I can. That's why I would...
  11. N

    The game is telling me that 23 != 23

    I'm still trying to get my hire unit concept to work. I have suggesfully moved it to DLL and started writing the AI for it. But now it turns out it isn't working properly with unique units. I use CvPlayer::canTrain function in my checks but it for some reason it returns false with my UUs. I'm...
  12. N

    Game tries to divide the score with 0 on modern era start

    I'm having problems when starting in modern era (i have only industrial, modern and future eras in my mod). The game crashes right after I start it. Industrial start works fine. So I attached VC to my mod and debugged the crash. It seems to crash when the game calculates the player's score and...
  13. N

    Help finding a logic problem

    I have been working on a hire units screen for quite a long time now and I think it's almost finished. But there seems to be a problem with my scrolling logic. Everything seems to be called when I want, but it has no effect at all. The unit list stays the same. I'm not too familiar with python...
  14. N

    Add "edit box" and get it's value stored somewhere

    I'm still making the hire unit screen for my mod, but even after few tries I haven't managed to add the "add unit experience" edit box. The screenshot shows what I mean. Even with Python API's help it's hard to find the right function. Also I would need to get the number you type there stored...
  15. N

    Help creating promotion lists in military advisor

    I'm creating a hire unit screen to military acvisor and now I'm trying to add promotion lists where you can choose which promotions you want the new hired unit to have. (they will cost money ofcourse) I'm not sure yet if I can create the lists because I can't check if the unit can acquire those...
  16. N

    Problems redrawing the military advisor minimap

    I had an idea about adding a new screen to military advisor where you could hire new units if running a precise civic. I got the screen work like the victory screen, but the problem is the minimap in military advisor. For some reason when I change back to military advisor page, the minimap is...
  17. N

    Bug in military unit production modifier

    There was found a bug in int CvCity::getProductionModifier(UnitTypes eUnit). It appears when you're running a civic which gives you negative military unit production bonus. It simply ingnores it and gives you assert failure if running a debug dll. A simple fix: we change the function to return...
  18. N

    negative civic unit production bonus

    I was testing how civic production modifiers work and got an error message when hovering over it in city screen. It's in the first screenshot. The second shows how it displays unproper values. I was running a civic with -75% military unit production. I haven't changed anything in the function...
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    Add effects to civics when running the right religion

    I had another idea how to improve ideologies(religions) in my mod. The problem was that civics are trying to be forms of covernment, no reason to have two things to do the same. But what if I add another effects to civics if you're running a specific ideology(religion). Like if you have...
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    Troubles adding a xml tag

    I'm trying to add a xml field similar to this in unitinfos, except with ideologies: <ReligionSpreads> <ReligionSpread> <ReligionType>RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY</ReligionType> <iReligionSpread>40</iReligionSpread> </ReligionSpread> </ReligionSpreads>However when I lauch my...
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