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  1. cardgame

    The Very-Many-Questions-Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread Thread XLI

    Spooktober edition. previously Why me? Why now? Why not 42? Why is the title fine when viewing the topic, but the kerning is broken when viewing it from the OT subforum as a whole?
  2. cardgame

    Share your personal life hacks

    Unique or otherwise special ways of doing things that you believe few people, if anyone, emulates, but which are superior to the 'standard' or 'accepted' way of doing things. I'll go first. Cereal. The grain with milk we all know and love. I have a method to nearly double the amount of cereal...
  3. cardgame

    What style of vocals do you prefer in music?

    Time for some more light hearted topics on this forum. Addendum: Non-generally - that is, specifically - which gender is your favorite vocalist? For extra credit, mention them by name or post music by them, but take it easy, this isn't the music thread.
  4. cardgame

    What music are you listening to? #63: YEAH TOAST!

    Remember that? A Lonely Island production, if I recall correctly. Also related to this medley You know what to do. :dance::band::dance:
  5. cardgame

    How would you describe your country?

    Specifically, in the terms or spirit of the poll above. The best examples would of course be Germany's "Die Vaterland" and the USSR's "za Rodina" As far as I know, many nations do not have a traditional name for this - if you had your pick of one, which would it be? Also, if you want to answer...
  6. cardgame

    [RD] Change My Mind: First Past The Post IS voter suppression.

    So, my premise is, I hope, pretty simple. Voter suppression is defined as "a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from voting." Nothing fits this better, especially in scale, than our FPTP voting system. If a democrat lives in a significantly red...
  7. cardgame

    Can we call them fascists yet? If you can't get a job because of a genetic condition, and you can't get healthcare without a job, then this is just eugenics by another name. We gattaca now boys
  8. cardgame

    How do you pronounce "Gif"?

    The popular file extension that sees frequent use on the internet, .gif, is under attack. Its creator, Steve Wilhite, argues that it is pronounced with a soft G, like the peanut butter brand, "Jif". Many would argue otherwise. Where do you stand?
  9. cardgame

    What video games have you been playing V: the return of the subtitle

    Return to the Roman Numerals! :mwaha: What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands! What Video Games have you been playing II: Have you finished that backlog? What Video Games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat. What video games have you been...
  10. cardgame

    Homophobia associated with higher rates of psychoticism

    Abstract: TL;DR more homophobic people are more likely to show signs of psychoticism. Men are significantly more homophobic than women (expected). Takeaway: "immature defense mechanisms predict homophobia, highlighting that a negative attitude toward homosexuals is influenced once again by...
  11. cardgame

    I figured out why clickbait headlines work so well

  12. cardgame

    The Internet's 'Misogyny Problem' - real or imagined?

    TL;DR men are in general abused as much or more than women online making the internet "safe for women" is playing into the Damsel in Distress trope, as well as being potentially censorious the media's misogyny narrative isn't borne out by the numbers I would say that any unusual, hypocritical...
  13. cardgame

    Canadian Professor on Hunger Strike Against 83% Alimony Award

    sauce Does this seem ridiculous to anybody else? By some rough math, it works out that his normal monthly income would be about $4800; if she is receiving 63% of that, that brings her income just over $3,000 per month. Not only is this enough to live off without even having to work, she's...
  14. cardgame

    Indonesian man jailed for public skepticism

    Earlier this year, Indonesian civil servant Alexander Aan posted on Facebook that he doubted the existence of God. He was then attacked and beaten by an angry mob, and arrested for blasphemy. On June 14, Aan was convicted of “disseminating information aimed at inciting religious hatred or...
  15. cardgame

    Help me choose a smartphone!

    Hey all, going away to college in a month or so and looking to upgrade to a smartphone to help me out. The choices are restricted to U.S. Cellular's lineup, so if you want to suggest something, there's your list. I've narrowed it down to two Android phones (without looking at Blackberry; feel...
  16. cardgame

    Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta

    I'm kind of surprised nobody else has brought this up already. Tribes: Ascend is currently in production by Hi-Rez studios, who came out with Global Agenda in 2010. Apparently, there's a much older series of Tribes games with which I am wholly unfamiliar. Anyway, Tribes: Ascend is based on...
  17. cardgame

    What does it mean to be an American?

    Or perhaps more appropriately, what does American mean? I ask because I've gotten into an argument about this on another forum and believe myself to be in the right, but need reassurance. Poll will be up in a second. Personally, I believe the first option to be correct. Canadians are...
  18. cardgame

    Those are __________, stupid!

    If you could squirt any two condiments out of your nipples, what would they be? Please continue.
  19. cardgame

    Is trolling an art?

    No, really. I'm serious. There's a certain beauty in it, much like a good book or comic strip. I for one do think some examples of trolling qualify. What do you guys think?
  20. cardgame

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

    Q: Okay... what in the world is this? A: It's a TV show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Q: ... What. A: It's a really good TV Show. Let me tell you- Q: HAHAHA-no. How can you even say that seriously, I mean REALLY? A: The show as headed by the same person who made...
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