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  1. N

    Naval Dominance/Bombarding Questions

    So I started an Deity/Ottoman game after 3 weeks off to see if the ICS play style was more interesting than the ways I had been playing it (hence the 3 week lay-off, back to Civ IV/BTS/ROM/AND). I was basically following in the vein of the Sulla game, where I also didn't allow myself to attack...
  2. N

    Is trespassing supposed to work this way?

    A city state asked for help from a barbarian unit attacking. I of course responded and killed the unit. I immediately went to "friendly" status. On the next turn, I was told that the city state was angry with me because I was trespassing, and I loss all positive influence going into the red...
  3. N

    Votes for Diplo Win

    Has anybody figured out the votes needed for a diplo win? I'm at 1760 ad with 10 of 11 city state votes for a total of 11 of 17 possible votes, but if you hit end turn you will see the vote counter just resets to 10 turns. The manual is conspicuously vague on this topic. FWIW...
  4. N

    How advanced are the other players, and where are the Wonders?

    I've seen some posts talking about AI relations regarding your techs vs. theirs. My question is how do you know the techs the other player has? Other than the pop-ups about which era each leader is in, I can't find any information. Considering you can bee-line to a certain era while still...
  5. N

    Great people points

    Anybody know how to get a list of the great people points you have in all the cities? I can find the information in the city screen, but thought that there must be something like the city list screen from Civ IV which gave a ton of info about the cities all together. The only thing I can find...
  6. N

    How much longer for research agreement?

    Does anybody know how to tell how many more turns before a research agreement pays off? I can't remember how many turns ago it was initiated, but would like to do a little backstabbing at its conclusion.
  7. N

    Best Great Merchant City

    After watching Kossin employ the trade mission feature of a great merchant, I've decided that I'm underestimating this feature. But now I can never tell which city I should use him in. I've tried going to the largest/furtherest city but have noticed that closer cities often give more. So I...
  8. N

    Immortal Space Race Problems

    So here is the setup: Immortal/Normal/Shaka/Patch 3.19 I’m on an island with Ramses and Boudica, but they are close to each other and a long way from me through jungle. Of course I didn’t fully know this when I decided on a horse archer rush :blush:(I had two golds in my capital and plenty...
  9. N

    Two Buffy issues

    I used Buffy today for the first time, and I think it is great. Thanks to everyone involved. Two issues I am having however: 1. If I load a saved game from the interface, it crashes to the desktop. I can double click the file from a file manager, and it will open just fine. Not that big...
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