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  1. P

    Late-game tech stealing

    In my last game every AI (deity level) seemed to build a constabulary and police station in every one of their cities, making Special Agents take over 100 turns to steal a tech - in other words, the game would be over by the time they completed their mission. Might it be worth changing the bonus...
  2. P

    A solution to stacking and the production problem

    I think the single biggest problem with Civ V is that it simply feels slow-paced and uneventful. The reason for this is that you spend far more time deciding where to move units than deciding what to build, research or improve. No doubt some war-gamers will disagree, but I find moving units to...
  3. P

    Making Puppet Cities Smarter

    After watching one of my puppet cities build a Barracks, then an Armory, and finally a Forge, I'd really like a way to prevent puppet cities from building buildings they can't use. I've looked through the XML, and I can't find anything that would allow me to do this. The Lua code all seems to...
  4. P

    A comprehensive criticism of FFH2

    I'd like to start by saying that I really enjoy playing FFH2, and think it adds some great things to Civilization. I'm going to focus mostly on the negatives, though, because the positives don't need changing and talking about them would take too much time. I've played both vanilla FFH and Wild...
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