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  1. Mustakrakish

    Something like 'Rebel Galaxy' but better...

    I'm looking for something like 'Rebel Galaxy', but... um... better. What I mean is this game is quite simplistic and bare bones. 'Sailing' the space is in one layer as in 2D, you can't go up and down, just left and right, hence sailing in space. Basically I want a game with similar premise...
  2. Mustakrakish

    War weariness / cede city mechanic & oversight

    So I noticed something I consider an oversight in this mechanic. If you don't know about the mechanic, this is how it works: Unless at the peace table you force AI to "cede" the city or cities you took, they will be "less productive" and suffer huge war weariness penalties during war (any war...
  3. Mustakrakish

    Got DoWed by... myself (Fixed)

    Playing as Barbarossa and just out of the blue Barbarossa appears on my screen and declares war... and no, there's no 2 Barbarossa in my game.
  4. Mustakrakish

    Militaristic CS raids

    What I really would like for them is to be aggressive, periodically launching raids (not conquest!) on neighboring city-states, as well as being "for sale" to attack a major civ, without being your ally, for a price of gold that would depend on target civ might. They should also be incredibly...
  5. Mustakrakish

    Dragged to war while not allied

    I keep getting sucked in wars against people who DOW Lena. I know it works like that if you are allied, but we are not, so what the hell? I was allied with her for 10 turns or so, many many turns ago, and yet I still auto DOW everyone that DOW her. Sounds like a bug to me. Not sure if it's...
  6. Mustakrakish

    Illogical HoF

    I'm kinda buffled here... First contact victory: Vostok difficulty, turn 262 = 2111 score Second contact victory: Soyuz difficulty, turn 188 = 1500 score So when you win faster, harder, stronger... You get less? :think:
  7. Mustakrakish

    Physical trade units

    I think the existence of actual trade units is not necessary. They need NOT be an actual unit. The trade route is a constant GPT, having a semi physical unit run back and forth 2 hex per turn is just weird and annoying all things considered. With that in mind I'd like the actual physical...
  8. Mustakrakish

    Factions, affinities and lore

    Now after playing a few games, with factions being so underwhelming and boring, I noticed that I can more or less attribute certain factions to certain affinities according to lore. And that way, maybe find some new interest in them. My opinion: Kavithan Protectorate and African Union...
  9. Mustakrakish

    2 quests that made me fall off my chair.

    That is some serious balance issue if you ask me... 1. Quest decision: Do I want +1 science from certain building, or an additional trade route? Is that a serious choise? :crazyeye: OP much? Though with the nightmare that trade routes is, it might even make me consider not taking it... Just...
  10. Mustakrakish

    Firaxis, guys... listen...

    I'm not going to rant about what firaxis did or didn't do. That is done all over the forums and for good reason. I'm going to suggest a few things to improve the game a fair bit ASAP. 1. Bring back the information. Don't hate on it. Simple. We want to see a list of units we have, the...
  11. Mustakrakish

    City warfare

    What ideas do you have about city combat? Or are you happy with how it is right now? Me, I'm not satisfied with it. There's a lot of things that bother me about it. First of all I hate ranged capability at the start before even inventing archery and without units inside. Second I want...
  12. Mustakrakish

    SoD / 1upt Hybrid

    As much as I enjoy 1upt, carpets of doom is a big turn down for me at combat at higher difficulties. My suggestion: Underlying combat same as civ5 (range units, 100hp etc., in a 1vs1 same as civ5). Add to that the following change to range units - attack strength diminishes as the attacked...
  13. Mustakrakish

    City Taking Penalty / Liberating Bonus

    As I understand it, if I have a penalty for taking a city, I can negate it by liberating another or by reviving the dead civs/CS. With this I was able to play the role of world police, bringing the light of democ... "order" ...and justice for all, as Babylon. I'd let them dogs have their fun...
  14. Mustakrakish

    Leaders go away!

    Good evening. I love the game, obviously. But I hate the leaders. I hate their faces, their voices, their existence. Most of all I hate seeing Washington rolling that damn globus in the age before invention of wheel. I hate them with every fiber of my body. Their existence hinders badly my...
  15. Mustakrakish

    Difficulty levels

    Was wondering if there is a list of AI bonuses that they get on every difficulty level? I want to know exactly what I'm dealing with when I raise a difficulty... Can someone point me in the right direction?
  16. Mustakrakish

    HoF with mods

    HoF seems to have stopped working for me with mods. I'm pretty sure (am I wrong?) it used to work before, it would just mark the game with "mods" in HoF. Is there a way to make it work again? I only use "Historical religions/strange religions" and "faster aircraft animations" mods, and it...
  17. Mustakrakish

    Random start on custom maps

    Hey folks, made a map with 10 carefully placed starting locations that's supposed to be random, but alas the game places the player in the same (best I assume) damn spot out of the 10. Now I had this problem about a year or two ago and I remember it got fixed with some "true random...
  18. Mustakrakish

    Grassland under jungles!!!

    I noticed the world builder forces grassland under jungles. As I looked around the web I noticed it is quite an old problem? Is it still not fixed? Is there anything I can do about it?
  19. Mustakrakish

    Badass Metal Great Musicians \m/

    So played my first game with BNW as Shoshone and of course wanted to try out new culture victory. By the endgame there were 2 "superpowers" at the world stage that dominated over everybody else in one way or another. A cold war between "Freedom Shoshone" who's many museums of ancient world...
  20. Mustakrakish

    Custom map / Civ names help *

    Hey guys, So I made a small map of Tamriel 66x42 (there are a few out there, but they are too big for my taste). Chose the respected civs and locked them in their starting positions, yada yada... The question is, how to rename the civs and leaders? Or to be more precise how to rename civs...
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