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  1. Rheinmetall

    Anyone familiar with windows installer problems

    I tried installing Gray wolves expansion for Silent Hunter III, which ofcourse didn't work despite the fact I had the correct patch installed. I decided to do a clean install after uninstalling GWX, but now I can't uninstall Silent Hunter anymore. The installer gives me options only to...
  2. Rheinmetall

    Any hints for a newbie?

    After the game had rotted in the depths of my HD for almost a year I finally fired it up. So now I'm addicted and I'd like to learn how to play it better. I've finished a few games on easy, and quit one game on average after getting tired of the constant war that didn't go anywhere. I started...
  3. Rheinmetall

    RTW Assassins

    Do you use them? In my game as egypt was my first time I tried using assassins in large numbers. I was surprised how effective they became after few succesful kills. My game has lasted pretty long, mostly because I want to enjoy it, so I'm not in a hurry to finish it too quickly. My assassins...
  4. Rheinmetall

    Your "300" moments.

    My egypt campaign is going well. I was transferring a few lone units as reinforcements to a bigger army for an attack to a city. The Seleucids attacked one of these reinforcements. My army: Pharaoh's Guard Bowmen ----- 162 men total. Enemy army: Enemy general **** Cavalry Levy...
  5. Rheinmetall

    Program crash when saving files.

    This problem has got me stumped. Any help and advice welcome. Whenever I download files from the internet and try to save them to HD Opera crashes ALWAYS when I press save. Whenever I save images in Paint Shop Pro, choose location from HD and press save it WILL crash. It seems all...
  6. Rheinmetall

    What the?

    Ok. Here's the scenario this far. 1. I built my new computer. 2 .I installed XP, drivers the works, Everything works like a charm. 3. I unplugged the hard drive from my old computer 4. I plugged the hard drive to my new computer. 5. I transferred all my important files from the old drive...
  7. Rheinmetall

    Producer Timbaland rips song from finnish musician?

    "Timbaland / Nelly Furtado ripped off the demoscene?" Quote from modarchive forums. Ripping free music and not even asking the author's permission. :thumbdown I decided to spread the word here even though I doubt people here could care less. It's just that the scene music has always been...
  8. Rheinmetall

    AOTD war patrol AAR.

    My first try writing an AAR. If you have any ideas on how to make this better fire away. More pictures? Different style?. This will be my first war patrol. I Oberleutnant Rhein have been assigned a type IIC U-boat, the U-112 in 1st flotilla, Kiel. First Patrol ----------------...
  9. Rheinmetall

    Build me a computer with 1000

    Things I don't need: -Keyboard -Rodent -Monitor -Speakers -DVD Drives Memory seems expensive ATM so it might be wise to wait until prices drop. (if they're going to drop?) I could do it all by myself but I'm not very familiar with the latest hardware so I need a bit of advice...
  10. Rheinmetall

    RTW: Flavius the Cunning

    Flavius the Eternal more like. The geezer is 105 years old and still kicking briton butt. After he passed 80 years I kind of got used that he'll be there forever, but never suspected it really would happen. :king: How old your oldest family members have been? Is this a bug or just a very...
  11. Rheinmetall

    Video Game Quiz V3.0

    Since the last thread was declared full, lets start anew. Links to the first and second threads I'll open with an easy:mischief: one: Tell me in detail what these are: Longbow Catapult Hoplite
  12. Rheinmetall

    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Succession game

    This game is now over We do not have enough players with enough free time to continue this game so this is the end. Welcome to the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion succession game thread. At the moment we are three brave fellows attempting a journey to the unknown and we could use a few more. The...
  13. Rheinmetall

    Video recording problem: No sound

    I have an ATI AllInWonder Radeon and I'm trying to save some films from my old VHS tapes to DVD. The problem is that I can't get sound with the video. Video comes through a composite cable OK. I've got audio connected to soundcard LineIn and it comes through OK, it's just not getting recorded...
  14. Rheinmetall

    Strange happenings

    I beat Blackbeard, enter a city and when I exit the city I see one mr. Blackbeard sailing again. I get to beat him twice :confused: . Then I pick a fight with a french merchant. When the fight starts a nearby pirate vessel acts as it's escort and tries to board me :crazyeye: .
  15. Rheinmetall

    Airsoft players around?

    Any airsoft players here? Shout here. Please tell how you got in and what kind of gear you have. I got sucked in by some friends. Started with a spring pistol and after that got my first AEG. The almighty TM AK-47 which I still have. I've also got KSC Beretta 93R. I try to play every weekend...
  16. Rheinmetall

    Stupid suicidical merchants

    So I'm on my way to the nearest friendly port and I happen to cross this spanish baque. I'm not going to bother taking on him since I have six ships with me and I'm already short on crew. So she decides to have target practice on one of my galleons (stay clear you scurvy...). Well she manages to...
  17. Rheinmetall

    Stupid bug in windows version.

    Indian converts. They are better in raw materials production than free colonists. Always producing one unit more than a free colonist. But I didn't know they were so good that they can produce that extra unit anywhere. Food in mountains, tobacco in sea, fish in plains and sugar in desert :D .
  18. Rheinmetall

    nVidia is strikes back big time! Boy that thing is fast:crazyeye:. But I expect it to be expensive too with over 200 million transistors in the core. That power demand seems horrible too. I wonder what ATI is going to throw against this beast.
  19. Rheinmetall

    Help me with windows explorer preview settings.

    Is it possible in any way to stop explorer from previewing video files. This neat feature came with Windows media player 9. I could get rid of it by uninstalling MP9 but I want to keep it. Or I could turn off the web content but then I would loose picture prews. It's just handling some video...
  20. Rheinmetall

    Radeon 9600 Pro or 9800 SE?

    I'm in dire need of a new graphics accelerator (my old one is an ancient GF2) I have this one minimum requirement for it: TV-tuner. So I've narrowed my options to these two. 9600 Pro AIW 9800 SE AIW Which one gives me more bang for the buck? Cheapest prices I could find for the two...
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