• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. T

    Enough DLC, how about an expansion?

    The contents could be the following: All of the DLC released thus far. Bring back espionage. Bring back random events. A more developed medieval\renaissance era (let's face it, 1 turn you're using knights, 10 turns later you're on lancers, 10 turns later you're on cavalry. The era hardly...
  2. T

    Is any work being done on MP?

    I don't care for Civ SP at all, my friends are the same way -- is there a "fix it" patch coming out any time soon?
  3. T

    The DLC restrictions are dumb!

    Why can't I use the ones I've purchased if all of my friends don't have them? This must be changed soon, as my money has been WASTED. :(
  4. T

    Game crashes when we load an autosave.

    Only in multiplayer. We all get a C++ Runtime error, no matter who hosts the lobby, it crashes. It hard-crashes the game for all 5 of us, too. We don't want to start our game over, so what can we do? We've tried going further back, and we still crash. The manual save works, but it was made...
  5. T

    Is MP loading fixed yet?

    Back when Civ 5 launched, my friend and I would play online together and the first 100 turns on a large map would be fine, but after turn 200 or so max, the load times would honestly be 2-3 MINUTES per turn. We both have good computers (2.8ghz Q6700 Quad Core\ATI Radeon HD 4890x2\4gb DDR3...
  6. T

    Can't keep up with DLC, annoyed by it.

    They keep releasing so many DLCs for ridiculous prices for Civ 5 that we can't even use in multiplayer. Why don't they just release an expansion?
  7. T

    Animations and bonus civs in MP yet?

    Purchased the game, not playing it until both of these things are in MP. :) Just checking in since this is patch... 6?
  8. T

    Can't even use Genghis in MP?

    What's going on here? Let alone Babylon, Inca, Spain....
  9. T

    Will I be able to use INCA and SPAIN in MP?

    Can anyone answer this please? If I buy it, can I use it? Can I use Babylon in MP yet? The fact that I cant literally ruins the game for me and I refuse to play until I can.
  10. T

    Will we be able to use Babylon\Mongolia in MP?

    Has anyone seen anything about this? I own Babylon already and not being able to use the Civ in MP is just absolutely stupid and bogus.
  11. T

    Barb Tris etc killing embarked units in 1950+ AD

    Opinions on this? Would a wooden boat realistically be able to do this? Does it fit in the game? Should it be changed?
  12. T

    ETA on MP mods?

    Has anyone seen anything official?
  13. T

    Wait, what?

    Playing a game on prince, continents. Oda and Ram started on my continent, and Oda expanded into me so hard that I had to eliminate him pre-turn 100. Made friends with Ram who was the whoooooole way on the other side of the continent. Really good buddies, sharing resources freely, trading...
  14. T

    Sacrificial Captives

    How much culture per kill? Alot of this is very vague.
  15. T

    Why would ANYONE play Suleiman?

    His passive is absolute garbage! Atleast Bismarcks is somewhat feasible. Nothing Suleiman gets makes up for how awful that is, either.
  16. T

    Gigantic turn rollover in MP with good PCs?

    My friend and I have very similar setups PC wise, I have: Radeon HD4890 1GB version (beats out a 5770 easily) 4GB DDR3 1333mhz RAM Windows Vista AND 7 on different partitions Q9300 Quad Core Processor @ 2.8ghz Passed about turn 200, even on a large map (not huge) with two good systems...
  17. T

    Foreign trade routes?

    Played with a friend today and dug a 30 hex long road from his capital to mine and got no trade route. How do you do foreign trade routes?
  18. T

    A list of how each AI behaves?

    Can we compile one in this topic? Let's give it a shot. I'll edit them in as people post them. Please try to not wall of text, as that's no fun for people to read -- let's be concise and to the point. List: Washington - Expands quickly and builds his cities in wise areas. Very open to trading...
  19. T

    AI wigged out?

    Last night, Askia declared war on me. Uh-oh I thought, I'm not fortified at all. He brings in a horseman and an archer, and I annihilate them with one archer in my border city. I move the horseman into his lands and pillage a marble and a trading post. I figure at this point, maybe he'll make...
  20. T

    How do I see a list of my resources?

    Without going into the diplomacy screen, preferably...
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