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  1. JP1

    Error with Denouncing and Friendly status

    Patch: Issue: I believe there is an error in the code to apply the diplo demerit for "You friend denounced you." (It might also possibly be an error in the code to determine if a friend is denouncing you.) Description: I was playing a game as England, and had multiple neighbors...
  2. JP1

    Which leaders run away most often in your games?

    Has anybody noticed that certain AI-controlled leaders seem to do drastically better or worse than the others in games they play? I'd kind of like to know if there are certain AIs which seem to do better because of the flavors/traits they are given, or if it's just all in my head. For...
  3. JP1

    Failure patching to BTS 3.19 on an external drive

    I have a copy of Civilization with Warlords and BTS installed on an external drive I take around with me when I travel out of town, since I don't have admin access on the work laptop. I tried patching the game to version 3.19, but when I try to run the patcher, I just get an error saying that...
  4. JP1

    When do you cash in your trees?

    Something I always seem to have troubles with and never know if I'm doing well is deciding when/if I should chop down trees to rush things. Sometimes I want to get things started as quickly as possible out of the gate, and I pop out a settler or an early building quickly. Sometimes, there's a...
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