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  1. M

    how the heck do you right click on a laptop?

    i can't get past the stupid policy advisory screen. on my desktop i just right click those bubble icons to get rid of them on the right side of the screen. i don't want to adopt a policy, but I can't figure out how to end the turn. using a hp laptop. i have no idea what to do.... lol
  2. M

    Shafer bailing on us.

    I can't believe he hasn't issued a statement on him leaving Firaxis. Total bull sheet. Any professional would of done that. Now were left with our heads hanging in the air not knowing why the hell we even paid for this game in the first place. Total lack of respect for everyone who supported...
  3. M

    getting past intro screen

    why the heck does it still take me so long to get past it even with the new patch? so annoying.
  4. M

    darn patch didn't speed up turns

    what the heck do these guys do all day at work? The patch didn't even address the overly annoying waiting between turns. They want me running 30 gigs of ram for the game? I don't get it.
  5. M

    natural wonders a bust?

    I was really excited for them before the games release, now I find them to be a big disappointment. Honestly, the bonus you get by settling near them aren't anything exciting. sure, they help, but not rewarding in any way. also, why the heck couldn't they make natural wonders on land take...
  6. M

    this game is boring

    seriously, It just isn't a whole lot of fun. It takes a lot longer to get through turns. I've got a beast of a computer, but even the loading times from the start of the game are ridiculously slow from the start. I loved in the other civs how I could zip right through the turns if I was...
  7. M

    how do you turn off advisors from popping up?

    the advisors just started popping up for everything, I don't know why. its very annoying because I don't need them. how do I turn them off?
  8. M

    how does the AI settle so many cities?

    playing on immortal. I can't keep up with certain civs. There is always at least 1 civ that has 5 times the cities I do. Its crazy. How do you settle on high difficulty to keep up?
  9. M

    change to quick combat in game?

    is this possible? I've started a game I like and forgot to turn the option on in the advanced set up menu. It takes to long to play without quick combat.
  10. M

    the pace of this game so slow

    It really is. I've come to conclusion that I just don't have any interest in this game. Could change later, but it moves slow and bores me. I've played all the civs, but it takes to long to go through turns compared to civ 4. cant take this sh*t any longer.
  11. M

    can you turn of animations?

    I really don't need unit animations, it just makes the game pace even slower. any way to turn them off? like quick movements in civ 4?
  12. M

    The game doesn't suck

    to counter all the negative threads. Ignore the all the haters and trolls out there. The game introduces some new stuff here guys. We won't be able to fully appreciate it until further down the road. Civ 4 was similar when it was firs released, no one knew any strategies or how to implement...
  13. M

    cd or d/ling?

    I'm going to best buy to buy the game. I'm old school. I've never d/l a game before. But I like having a cd so I can put on my other computers. if your d/l ing the game, why?
  14. M

    Greg's fashion statement

    a plaid type short sleeve shirt with a white undershirt. jeans as well. I think its time to put that guy on the runway!
  15. M

    civ soundtrack preview?

    Do you think Firaxis will give us some preview clips of some of the music they've made for the game? I'm a firm believer that music can really enhance the game play. I always loved civ 2's theme song. I thought call to powers music was simply awesome. I hope civ 5s music kicks butt.
  16. M

    why are the clouds shapped like hexagons?

    What the heck is the deal with this? It looks so stupid and annoying. I know its a hex based map, but can't you guys at Firaxis just round the clouds out a tad? thanks.
  17. M

    the mountain tiles...

    I think the mountain tiles in civ 5 need to be bigger. Everytime I see a mountain, they don't wow you. Maybe there can be 2 types of mountains medium, and huge ones that are jagged. I always remember call to powers mountains being more grand. I always liked that. Firaxis, can you...
  18. M

    Economic Victory condition

    I'm willing to put some money on it is going to be in civ 5. It was in civ revolutions and I can see them using it again. It was actually a very fun victory condition. Nothing like acquiring massive amounts of gold!! If this is the case, hopefully we will see a well done economic...
  19. M

    Is anyone suspicious?

    Why would Firaxis be making civ 5? My impression is most obviously wrong, but I thought they said they were moving beyond the pc format. They civ rev and facebook civ to work with. First let me say, I am excited to see them working on a new Civ game. I'm a huge fan of them. But I'm...
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