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  1. Matt_G

    Attachment issues

    Is there something going on with the attachment feature? I can't seem to post one. It looks like it's uploading but it never shows in the post. It doesn't show in my control panel under attachments either. I've never had an issue with this before the numerous times I've used it. :confused...
  2. Matt_G

    Problems with the forums

  3. Matt_G

    Question on keyboard shortcuts

    Is there a keyboard shortcut to center the view on your capital? In Civ3 it was the H key. The Home key seems to just go to the nearest city and F10 isn't what I'm looking for either. If you use F10 the view returns to where you were when you close the city screen. Matt
  4. Matt_G

    Upload server down?

    Any idea when the upload server will be back up?
  5. Matt_G

    City and Unit limits

    Has there been any info as to whether the code in Civ IV will allow more than 512 cities? I like very large maps and this is a limitation I hope they got rid of. Also there was a limit on the number of units in CivIII. I think it was 4096 or 8192. Can't remember which. Anyways, I'm just...
  6. Matt_G

    Forum Search

    I just wanted to say that it sure is nice having the forum search function back. Thanks TF! :goodjob:
  7. Matt_G

    Rise and Rule Mod Data file is here

    In the tradition of Lonewolf5050 and Skydivingcows, I have created a Rule and Data file for the Rise and Rule Mod for C3C. This file is based on the 1.03 release of the mod and I will do my best to make timely updates to it as the mod changes in the future. It is an Adobe pdf file. Any ideas...
  8. Matt_G

    City not growing properly

    Has anyone seen this before? Notice how the city only needs 4 food to grow and will get 5 on the interturn. It should go to size 7, spit out the settler and drop back to size 5. Here's what it actually does. Notice the settler in the garrison at the bottom of the pic. :aargh...
  9. Matt_G

    City Production Spreadsheet

    This is an Excel spreadsheet I made a while back to figure the production of a city. It's main purpose is to see if a city will be able to hit those magic shield numbers at a certain size. (10spt, 15 etc.) This spreadsheet is accurate for PTW 1.27f. If there is an interest in it, I will do a...
  10. Matt_G

    Output of the City Center tile

    I am working on a spreadsheet, and am trying to figure out the pattern for what the commerce output of the City Center (CC) will be. Food is easy, it's always 2 Shields are easy also, you get credit for the shields of any resource, subject to Despot penalty if applicable. Otherwise it's 1...
  11. Matt_G

    Need help finding/fixing a file

    First some background: Several months ago I downloaded an Excel file from here named resources.xls It's quite a workbook. It will figure how food/shields/gold a city will produce based on the terrian and improvements. It has drop down menus for all terrian types and for mines or...
  12. Matt_G

    Upload server down again??

    Is it just me, or is it down again? Damn frustrating. I am up in a SG and have the time right now, but can't get the save.
  13. Matt_G

    Anybody got a fix for e-mail notification?

    Mine hasn't worked for several weeks now. Anybody know what the deal is? P.S. No, I am not using AOHell. :satan:
  14. Matt_G

    Colossus Screw Up

    I was playing a game as the Indians today. It's 1250 B.C. and I just completed the Colossus. It triggered a GA. Now the civilopedia says the Colossus is just Expansionist and Religious. The Indians are Commercial and Religious. It shouldn't have triggered a GA. No, it wasn't due to using the...
  15. Matt_G

    Tech Rate with new patch

    Question: I was just looking through civ3mod.bic with the editor and noticed that the tech rate for deity was still 6 for the AI. Soren said in the chat at Poly that it had changed. That tech for deity now cost the AI 10 while for the human it is 15. Can someone please tell me what it's set to...
  16. Matt_G

    Problems with the forums

    What in the heck is going on with the forums this week??? Every day they have been down for several hours with SQL errors. I sure hope they get this fixed soon. Maybe they should have used Oracle. ;)
  17. Matt_G

    Police Stations

    I'm real new at this game so bear with me. Is it worth it to research Communism and build Police Stations to combat corruption under a Republic or Democracy?? I am wondering if it's worth while, or a waste of time.
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