Search results

  1. NiRv4n4

    Bonus Resource Modpack?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a modpack that just includes various new bonus resources for Civ IV BTS. E.g., Cotton, Salt, Olives, etc. I found this one - - but it has a whole bunch of additional features that I'd rather...
  2. NiRv4n4

    Best Years To Be Born In?

    Simple question, with all of your knowledge of the past, and when wars, famines and the like occurred, which time period (as well as which country, social class, etc) would you prefer to be born in, and why? If you would prefer for it to be the same, then simply select the decade of your birth...
  3. NiRv4n4

    Anti-Israel - at the Proms? Do you think this is appropriate? Protests of this sort at the Israeli embassy, I can understand, but protests at a musical show, in which the musicians have no more blame for Israel's actions that any random citizen has for their country's actions isn't...
  4. NiRv4n4


    After the attacks on Norway, the issue of multiculturalism and immigration has entered the spotlight. Some say they are great things for society, and serve to promote tolerance and diversity, while others argue that they create further divide and discord in a previously homogenous nation. What...
  5. NiRv4n4

    Altering Map Dimensions

    So I have an issue that I am looking to solve. I know that, in Worldbuilder, you can scale the map up or down, but what I want to do, is add a few tiles to the x or y axis. Specifically, I want to add 10 tiles to expand my map southward. I'd appreciate an clues on how to do this.
  6. NiRv4n4

    City State Creation

    I was wondering, has anyone figured out how to add new city states to the game? I have been yearning for something like Madrid, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Carthage, and more. So has it been discovered yet? Thanks
  7. NiRv4n4

    The European Landmass

    This is a map of Europe, as well as northern Africa and southwestern Asia. It can be downloaded here - The size of the map is 107 by 90 tiles. It includes, clockwise around the Mediterranean: Spain (in the Spain version, if...
  8. NiRv4n4

    Changing Minimum City Distance

    Hello, I want to know how I can change the minimum city distance from 3 (I think) to 2. I know it is somewhere in the game files, I just have no idea where. Thanks.
  9. NiRv4n4

    Issue with tech icons

    I am having a problem with my tech icons. When I am in worldbuilder and looking over my techs and stuff, everything is fine. However, when I research a tech, specifically the religious ones, the icons are all mixed up, i.e. meditation has priesthood icon, polytheism has meditation, etc. Now...
  10. NiRv4n4

    Religion help

    I have downloaded the JARM mod (, and what I want to do is replace Judaism with Olympic Pantheon and Hinduism with Aesir Myth. Does anyone know how I could do this? I searched the game files for Civ4, but could not find any files for Jewish...
  11. NiRv4n4

    How to replace one civ with another

    Firstly, I apologize about all of the new posts. I am rather stupid at this sort of thing. My issue is that I have no idea how to replace a civilization. What I want to do is replace the Ethiopian civ (with Zara Yqob) to the Irish civ (with Brian Boru, included in...
  12. NiRv4n4

    Fresh Water Question

    I have a question about fresh water. Some large freshwater lakes (or ones that appear large due to map size) are represented as salty in the game. What my question is, is what defines a body of water to be fresh or salty, and if it is salty, how can I make it fresh?. Thank you in advance.
  13. NiRv4n4

    Changing Civ4 WBS file to BTS WBS file

    Ok, here is the deal. I have downloaded a map from this site (the northwest Europe one centered on the North Sea), and want to customize it for myself. I want to convert the file (it is for Civilization 4) to a WBS file for BTS, so I can add in civs like Celts and Dutch. What I need help with...
  14. NiRv4n4

    Europe map - 108 by 89

    Download Link: As of February 2018, there are 2 different maps included in this download, each with 3 versions. The first is a map of Europe and the second is a map of Eurasia. For my Europe map, there is a "North Expanded", and...
  15. NiRv4n4

    Attempt to attach file results in error

    Hello, I am trying to attach a file called Europe - Improved.CivBeyondSwordWBSave to a forum post as a sort of map testing, but when I try to attach it, I am told that there is an Upload Error, and that that file is invalid. I have no idea how to upload this file, and some advice is much needed.
  16. NiRv4n4

    How to take full map screenshot

    I just joined this site, so sorry if I am asking in the wrong place. I noticed that in a lot of mods, especially those about maps and scenarios, there is an image of the whole world that is like that of the minimap. I wanted to know how to take one of those, as I really have no idea how to do...
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