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  1. X

    Mods for multiplayer

    From time to time I sit down with 2-3 friends for a casual round of civ. Our usual setting involves playing a standard or large pangea FFA with AI. We follow an agreement to not go to war with each other if it isn't necessary and to not gift each other techs. But if a war goes down the wrong...
  2. X

    AI city placement, resources, promotions...

    After playing a couple of games there are some things that cought my attention. Let me preface my critique with saying that this is the best civ-mod i played so far. There are some very nice concepts that add a lot to vanilla experience. I didnt reach the industrial area in any game so i...
  3. X

    Patch: direct download

    Simple question: Where can i get a direct download to the latest civ5 patch( I'm temporarily stuck with an ISP that is blocking steam. And now don't tell me the only way to download patches is via steam - because than i'm gonna rage hard, join the club of 2K/Steam-haters...
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