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  1. P

    Revolutions & distance from capitol

    My cities constantly start to revolt, mainly because of the distance factor. Altough they are only 8 tiles away from the main capitol city and on the same continent. Is there any way to disable or reduce this? i tried fumbling with the revdcm settings, specifically with the distance...
  2. P

    Civs don't build much cities - RAND optimized for small maps only?

    So,I am on the last svn in a gigantic map game,sometime after BC. All the civs build a maximum from 1-7 cities at best. There are huge continents with much of empty lands on them, because noone builds cities except me. I assume this was done so they dont build too much on small maps...
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    No Barbarians spawning?

    Got the latest rev build, am in the year 2600 bc, gigantic map size, 21 civs. And barbarians are activated per setup. I am on a huge continent with only 2 others, lots and lots of free space everywhere. Yet i hadnt seen 1 single barbarian. Is this a bug?
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    Searching for a mod like "Rise of Mankind"

    Hi guys, Im looking for a mod that's like Rise of Mankind:A new Dawn. I saw Caveman2Cosmos, but it has this really ugly new terrains, that messes it up completely for me. I love all the additional stuff of RoM, all the revolutions stuff, the political options etc. and i feel that i cant...
  5. P

    Any big overhaul mods yet?

    I'm still playing IV because V just sucked for me, especially the global happiness crap, dumbed down trash etc. So, i see the DLL has been released. Have there been any great game changing mods yet?
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    SAVE SANTA - the REAL Santa Claus

    This man is simply epic. The story of an extraordinary man, with a life like noone else had. He has been EVERYWHERE around the world, hitch-hiking since the 1960's (inofficial world record), and he has seen EVERYTHING. He got shot...
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    Post-Patches: Is CiV now more customizable?

    Havn't been playing CiV since short after the release, because it felt like a complete utter game-design-failure. 'Now my question: after all those patches, are we now able to customize our Civ's (like in all other civ games decades before this)? example: -name your civ -name your leader...
  8. P

    Terrain troubles or "The scale of the world" - why the terrain doesnt work

    please keep the scale of civ in mind. that's the main thing that bogs me about c2cs terrains. although it's nice to have a greater variation in general, it seems those terrains just crash with the size of things. A vanilla Civ IV terrain plot resembles a rather large region, and not small...
  9. P

    IS G&K something for the "simulation-player" type?

    So, Civ V turned many people off because it went straight into the board-game-direction, where you only play to be winning, reaching certain victory conditions. But many people just loved playing role-player-style, simulating the history of your own empire, in previous Civ's. I am one of...
  10. P

    the one big issue: Terrain graphics don't fit

    I see only one real issue with this wonderful mod: the terrain graphics. Especiaslly "scrubs", "rocky","desert" and "barren" terrain. These just stand out visually and don't blend in any way to the rest of the map, making it look like a patchwork carpet rather then landscapes. Don't you feel...
  11. P

    Are there any good (random) map generators

    I don't want to play on earth maps, as i like to really have to explore the planet im playing on. I also can'T understand why everybody wants to play on earth maps. Its kinda boring to know how every landmass will be from the beginning. Are there any good map generators for C2C? That...
  12. P

    Stacks of Doom are great!

    I wonder why everyone here talks about stacks of doom as something bad? I totally love the clash of big sized armies! of course there are big armies of men going to war against an other country! of course they don't attack with like 5 buddies and take down the enemies cities! and...
  13. P

    Mount & Blade: Warband !!! Epic Game !!!

    Do you like games like games like Oblivion, the Total war series, Elite and Pirates (for the older of you)? Do you like middle age settings? Yes? Well here is something for you!! Mount & Blade: Warband is an epic game. Sadly it's largely unknown, this is mainly because of 2 reasons: It...
  14. P

    Civ 5 Vs. Civ 4 BTS+ RoM:AnD - a final conclusion

    Since I knew Civ 5 was coming, I didn't touch Civ 4 a single time anymore. I was just too excited for the new stuff, Civ 4 looked too "old" since I knew what was coming. Then the release: Like many others I was really disappointed with Civ 5, I was really pissed. But I tried my best to get used...
  15. P

    RoM 2.92 Vs. AND 1.75a: which is newer?

    So, as I thought that AND is basicallly build on RoM, but the newest RoM (2.92) is newer then the last AND (1.75) which now is a standalone version. My simple question is: Do I miss new stuff from RoM 2.92 in AND 1.75? Or is Rom2.92 already included in AND 1.75? IF you miss something...
  16. P

    Only ONE guy in the dev team for coding??

    So I just heard that there is only 1 (one!!!) guy in the dev team doing ALL the coding stuff of Civ 5! Now I'd like to find out if there is more behind that rumor. Does anybody know anything more precise about this?
  17. P

    HOW TO: Export Civ 4 graphics to Civ 5

    If you want to use graphics from Civ IV for you mods, here's how you can get them over. Thanks to Deliverator & Jaythekiller ! 1.Find the Civ4 art files you want to export. Most of them are under the Civ 4/Assets/Art folder. If you can't find what you need, maybe you'll have to unpack...
  18. P

    Blender - help me convert nif to fbx !

    Ok, so I just want to load some old Civ IV files (nif+kf) , load them in blender, and export them to fbx so i can use them for civ v mods. Now I've downloaded & installed newest blender and all the necessary stuff like python and nif scripts etc. But here it ends: I have no clue what to...
  19. P

    More on Content & Actions

    So, what I think is really important: Are there any references of what to put in the "content" settings in the mod properties? Did anybody use this so far? Also is there anything more known then "OnModActivated & UpdateDatabase" for the "Actions" section? I want to use new landmark...
  20. P

    Who said that "happy & friendly overall design" ?

    I don't remember where I read that, some months ago, but as far as I remember, someone from Fireaxis said something about "happy & friendly" as a general design guideline for Civ V. Does anybody recall where that was? In some Interview or podcast or something I think. Right now I think...
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