• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. G

    Demo for Civ 6?

    Will there be a demo for Civ 6?
  2. G

    Same civs every game

    They really need to add more Civs to the game, it's really boring having the exact same ones every game on a standard sized map. I hope leaving out obvious choices like England and the UK or Germany wasn't for DLC, they could easily patch those in. Even an alien civ wouldn't be out of the question.
  3. G

    Siege units seem useless

    I'm not seeing the purpose of the "siege" units, the ones that you need to set up like catapults etc from Civ 5. They barely do any more damage than the regular ranged unit and are far slower to attack & are more vulnerable. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a way to have effective siege...
  4. G

    Endless aliens

    So this is my first game, and there is a seemingly endless supply of aliens right next to my starting city. Is this normal? I can't do anything but sit here and kill aliens, it's like 2-3 are spawning every turn. Here's a screenshot.
  5. G

    Few things that could be improved

    I'm watching someone play this now, and noticed a few things that need to be better. 1. There's no voice over when discovering a tech. Leonard Nimoy and William Morgan Sheppard were awesome additions in the previous games, let's get some to read the tech quotes. 2. The generic leaders are...
  6. G


    I was hoping the next news I heard about Civ would be Civ 6, but apparently there is still milking of Civ 5 to be done with more useless DLC and expansion packs. There's nothing that can be added to Civ 5 to make it any better, it's been proven. The AI can't be fixed, diplomacy will always be...
  7. G

    Diplomatic Victory worse than before

    Does anyone actually like the G&K diplomatic victory change? Having to vote for another Civ to win doesn't make any sense. It seems to me, having a lot of votes just guarantees you will lose because you have to vote for another Civ. Why in the world would Firaxis want a game to end in such a...
  8. G

    Anti-aircraft - how does it work?

    I was just playing a game as Korea, and I had a Mobile SAM unit fortified in a citadel on a hill. So, of course the super-smart AI kept attacking that SAM every turn with 5 Great War Bombers. None of the bombers ever died and my SAM unit barely took damage every turn. But, I moved a tank nearby...
  9. G

    Give the AI free bomb shelters?

    I don't know about anyone else, but my fallback strategy if I might lose a game is to nuke the AI Civs into ash. It always works, they never seem build bomb shelters in time to prevent it. Maybe on Emperor and higher give the AI civs free bomb shelters when they hit the modern era? Would make...
  10. G

    Scouts need love

    I think the scout units need to upgrade to explorers like in older Civ games. Explorers could have enough defense to survive barb attacks in the later eras with dying in one hit, and maybe more movement points. They could further be upgraded to spy planes as well in the modern era for added...
  11. G

    God of War belief not working

    I just tried this belief out and killed a barb 2 spaces from my city. The game displayed a "+4" in white letters, I assume that means faith, after the barb died but it didn't add it to my faith score.
  12. G

    AI needs work badly

    I was just playing a game where I was 1-2 eras behind the Arabs and I attacked them to try to prevent a tech win. The Arabs were well into the modern era and I as lagging way behind. I had great war infantry and artillery. The arabs had...a lot of camel archers, and they kept building more camel...
  13. G

    Another attempt at a Huns game

    This is on emperor. I hope they patch this soon, just feels so broken and cheap doing this with the battering rams. I could have done it probably twice as fast but as usual with G&K maps there was a lot of jungle in my way. Forgot to mention, I only had 2 rams, a warrior, and later a few horse...
  14. G

    Chess game for beginners?

    Is there a chess game that exists that can be played by a beginner? I've tried a few and I keep getting ruthlessly beaten down by the AI even on the lowest levels.
  15. G

    Preventing Great Prophet Spawn?

    Is there any way to stop GPs from auto-spawning? I looked in the civopedia but couldn't find any info. I was just trying to play a game with the holy warriors religious trait but the GPs kept popping and taking away all my faith.
  16. G

    Great Prophets and City States?

    I was just playing and sailed a GP out to spread my religion to an island with 3 CS on it. Only it just gave the CS followers and they never adopted the religion. What's going on here? GP used on a Civ's city will completely covert all followers in it to the new religion and wipe out all other...
  17. G

    Invincible cities now?

    I started a new game as the Arabs and Montezuma is my only neighbor. So, naturally I want to do unto Monty before Monty does unto me, and take him out fast. But, his city is ridiculous strong and kills any unit that gets near it in 2 turns. All he has is a city built on hills with walls, I don't...
  18. G

    Courthouses don't give happiness?

    I just annexed a few cities I captured and built courthouses in both of them, but my happiness stayed at -10...the same as it was before annexing. Is this how they work now or what?
  19. G

    Any news on Steam preload?

    It's getting near release time, any word about preloading on Steam? I hope they don't make us all download at the same time.
  20. G

    Alt-tab caused game loss

    I was just playing as Korea, game was running normally, then I alt-tabbed and it brought up the end game screen and I lost. On the Hall of Fame screen, it's just listed as a loss and no winner. Is this a new bug with the Korea DLC? I've played tons of games and never seen this before. Here's...
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