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Search results

  1. ArbogLi

    Problem with Beyond the future

    Hi guys! I'd like to ask a little question: one of my mod player talk me about a problem using both mods. Investigating the problem we found that I have a new nuke-type unit, it have de <DefaultUnitAI>UNITAI_ICBM</DefaultUnitAI> like the other nukes, but with CAT it dosen't work, the unit is not...
  2. ArbogLi

    New type of cities

    Hi friends! I got a little question and I hope you can help me with it. Let me put you on situation: When we play a game, usually we colonize the "best" regions, but in some areas like ice we don't create cities, it's too expensive to maintain and usually are quite vulnerable because are far...
  3. ArbogLi

    Help with a unit flag

    Not sure where it must be, so I put it here. I made some flags for units (you can give your opinion :)) But I'm blocked to make one for the last unit, it's a ship, I called Railgun Destroyer, it works like a Battleship (is the upgrade of the Battleship) but in a future era, here is the...
  4. ArbogLi

    Add personal Speeches

    Hi! I'm traying to add a speech to one wonder I made for a mod, I created a MP3 file called SLHC.mp3, and created the next files: SpeechAudio2DScripts.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Created by ModBuddy on 1/29/2013 4:24:25 PM --> <Script2DFile> <Script2DSounds>...
  5. ArbogLi

    Beyond the future

    Hi everybody! Today I bring you the adaptation of "Beyond the future", I started couple of weeks ago and is a new and more advanced Future Era with new technologies, buildigns, wonders and units but now adapted for the expansion Gods 'n' Kings. [NEW] You can download from civfanatics too...
  6. ArbogLi

    Problem getting the ID of a city

    Hi everybody, I have a little problem and I need help to solve it because I really tryed but I missed. I'm working on my random events mod and looking for bugs I found one: when a city expand the territory getting a free tile this is assigned to the player, nor to the city, and it doesn't...
  7. ArbogLi

    Arbogli's mods modpack

    Arbogli's mods modpack Here you have: a great modpack which yuo will have a lot of fun managing the new stuff added to this mod. A new civilization, new buildings, new techs!! You can find if you decide to donwload this mod: - A new civilization: The Spanish empire (El Imperio Español) -...
  8. ArbogLi

    Random events v3

    Random events v7 A new mod where which add random events to the game. You have a chance of 5% more or less to have one of this events per turn. For now you can find events are: - v1-2: get a free tile, population increase in one city or earn extra gold. - v3: only can see the event of...
  9. ArbogLi

    Beyond the future

    Hi everybody! Today I bring you my latest mod, I started couple of days ago and is a new and more advanced Future Era with new technologies, buildigns, wonders and units. The name to find is "Beyond the future" and suggestions, etc. are welcome. PS: I must say two things: the "new units"...
  10. ArbogLi

    Spanish age

    Once upon a time in a far off land there lived a... Mango, Mango, Mango, Mango Mango, Mangoooooooooo.... crap, it was a different story, sorry :lol: I started the game with my two mods: The forgotten Spain and Steel Foundry. In a pretty place Madrid was founded and the yourney begin...
  11. ArbogLi

    Trade options panel lost

    Sometime, when I'm playing the panel of the options that I can select from the computer player disapear and only comes back when I load again the savegame.
  12. ArbogLi

    Corporations MODs

    Hi everybody. This time I'm uploading a new mod with new buildings: Corporation. There are five corporations following the idea of [civ4]. As always, I hope you enjoy it and suggestion, bug, etc. tell me. PS: someone know how update mods? In the mod I uploades I put in the explanation...
  13. ArbogLi

    The forgotten Spain

    After one day of hard work... here it is!! Spain come to our Civilization 5 :D The forgotten Spain As always, I hope you'll enjoy it and any bug you find, suggestion, opinions (and thanks!!) are welcome. [EDIT] PS: of course, is only in english and I'm translating to spanish, if...
  14. ArbogLi

    Steel Foundry

    Hi everybody! The first thing I must say is that I don't know if this post is OK here or must be into Mod Components forum, if I put in a wrong place sorry and move it, please. About the mod, well... is nothing of the other world. A new building who provides a production increase of 25%...
  15. ArbogLi

    New uses for the iron into advanced games

    As players, all of us see that when our game go to industrial revolutios or after the iron isn't useful, ok for the production but we have a lot and we can't do nothing with it. My idea is to use it into another building: Steel factory. We could use these building to get a production bonus if...
  16. ArbogLi

    Possible Spanish civ

    Well... I'm starting to read Kael's mods guida and I think about the possible differences for a Spanish civ, my ideas was: - Learder, Charles I of Spain (or Charle V of the Sacred empire... I decided the "I" because is of Spain) - "Tercio" instead of the Pikerman with 1 point more in...
  17. ArbogLi

    Playing with Russia (mini-guide)

    Well, I’m gonna tell you my experience with Russia and why I like to play with they. One good reason is their bonus, which is nothing more than the double of the resources you have of: Iron, Horses and Uranium (say “hello” to my Little Boy xD). So if I only have 2 units of Iron I’ll have 4...
  18. ArbogLi

    How to earn the Deity level badge

    Well, this is not to play a long game, just do it to win and finish the game in about 5-10 minutes. Choose your civilization, I use to choose Greece, and go to custom game. There you must select the dificulty, the starting era: The Future, and the faster game speep. The reason for this is...
  19. ArbogLi

    Civilization V achievements

    Hi, I'm trying to ulpoad a post with all the achievements and their pictures but I can't because the sistem tell me that in a post I only can put 30 but I have por, even if they are not too large. :sad: I have attached to this post a TXT with the "basecode" of the post, if someone of the...
  20. ArbogLi

    Step to the future MOD

    Hi! I post one mod I has made during this week, I was playing the mod "Through the Ages" but the future tech was too shor for me, so I added new technologies, units and buildings. This is not a realli big change, but I made it for me and if someone likes it better (and any ideas, your opinion or...
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