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  1. C

    CS road request bugged again?

    They request a road. They build down and connect to an existing road of mine (it was on the plains). I'm not getting credit. I tear the road down and build another, still no credit. EDIT: I should probably also clarify-- I'm Hiawatha, so a lot of the "road" leading back to my capitol is...
  2. C

    Why can't I move here?

    I have met them. I'm not at war with them, like that should matter. I'm only trying to move 1 space, so it can't be ZoC. And it might be hard to see under the red circle, but yes this area is highlighted in blue. Is this a bug?
  3. C

    [.275] Governor hates food and you

    The governor really hates food. He also hates you because he refuses to do what you tell him to do. First pic: Default focus. He's working a 2H tile, despite there being a perfectly fine 3F2H tile to work. He's intentionally picking an objectively inferior choice because screw you...
  4. C

    Unique resources

    Just a half-formed idea that may or may not be kind of cool. It might be nice in an expansion if civs got unique resources. For example, gems in Songhai's boarders could become diamonds, cattle in American boarders could become fast food (I look forward to the off-topic flamewar >.>)...
  5. C

    Tech victory: why would I ever do this?

    I finally got my first tech victory. And my last. First is an explanation of the game simply for background so you know where I'm coming from, next is my analysis of the tech victory and why I don't understand why anyone would ever go for it after the first time. You may want to skip down to...
  6. C

    Are defensive pacts supposed to work this way?

    I had a DP with Mongolia. Then I built the Apollo Program and saw all of the civs save two immediately DoW on me. One of the civs that did not DoW on me was Mongolia, even though they went hostile and began to insult me constantly (not to mention they never actually lifted a finger to help...
  7. C

    DoF-- worth it or no?

    So here's my experience with the declaration of friendship so far. If someone likes you, they may or may not propose a DoF. If you say no, there's no penalty. They still like you. If you say yes, they begin to ask you for money that you must give them if you don't want to take a negative...
  8. C

    I suck. Tell me why. That's part 1 of 20 of my attempt to play BtS on Noble. I don't actually expect people to watch 20 videos of my playthrough just to tell me why I suck, so feel free to watch part of the first then skip to the end and see how I go down in flames...
  9. C

    Pre-order: Map or scenario?

    So you get a map if you pre-order. That's the word. But all over the place, like the confirmed features thread for example, I'm seeing it described as a scenario. So, which is it? Because if it's a scenario like the scenarios in IV, which offered unique gameplay, then I want it. If it's...
  10. C

    Diplomacy/AI intelligence

    I don't think there's a thread for it, though I know I've seen it discussed. So, apparently you can't see the +2, -3 etc attached to another civ's feelings toward you. Some people have a problem with that, others not so much. What the devs are claiming is that, although you don't see the...
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