• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. M

    Civ5 standard is like Civ4 large

    Is it just me thinking that the standard map of Civ5 feels more like large map in Civ4? With 8 civs and 16 city states it's a lot. This is probably to balance against all units having at least 2 movement points. It feels really weird, if large civs fight you still can not see the front line, so...
  2. M

    [NOT BUG] No railroad bonus in the capital.

    My capital does not get 50% for being connected to itself. All other cities do. I feel it's a bug. Even if this is intentional it's wrong.
  3. M

    Espionage and intelligence gathering

    I only played demo so far but I feel that Civ4-like espionage is needed. Especially in the future patches when the AI is improved. I can't park a scout near each city of each rival to detect civs that switched to building military and even with UPT there is enough place to hide units from...
  4. M

    Indian civ special doesn't feel right.

    While there are some of the world's largest cities in India this is only because of high total population. As for urbanization India is on the bottom of the list: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_urb-people-urbanization civ-bonus that promotes building fewer larger cities would fit Belgium...
  5. M

    Release date confusion

    On steam store I see Sept 24 as release date, on all other sites it is Sept 21. Which is the true release date?
  6. M

    Steam Store first impression.

    Just registered at steam. Registration: ✔ Order: ✔ Download: ✔ Play: ✔ No more scratchable discs: ✔
  7. M

    Release date and patch-thirsty version 1.0.0

    Hey. The game is about to be released on Sept 24. Only 2 months left. Do you think that in case of need the publisher will delay the release rather than publish something that needs 4 patches to become playable?
  8. M

    Why do people believe "all mean are equal" bull<snip> theories?

    I can't stop wondering why so many people believe in "All men are equal" theory which is completely unsound. You don't need research to understand why it is wrong, just look around. Guys, why do you believe in such weird things? Watch your language, please.
  9. M

    Master of magic 2.

    FFH is almost exactly what I expected from Master of Magic 2. It is so complicated I'm tempted to call it "differently balanced" cause you can't call something that huge "unbalanced"
  10. M

    Best drafted rifle

    Let 's continue to :deadhorse:
  11. M

    Syncronizaed effort to upgrade all games to 3.19!

    Hi. I have an idea. Let's make an organized update of all succession games to 3.19. Currently in my succession games someone always can't update as he is still playing other SGs in 3.17 and people in other games are not ready to upgrade. This leads to situation when everybody can't upgrade cause...
  12. M

    Specialist cultural victory GA: settling vs bomb

    Just finished my first emperor cultural victory. At the end one of my artists was wasted as two cities reached legendary on exactly the same turn. I want to avoid it in the future. Going for cultural with philosophical leaders when do you stop settling great artists and start saving them for...
  13. M


    Awesome leader, IMO, the leader that caused me to love FIN. How do you typically play him?
  14. M

    Favorite nearest neighbour.

    Hey. Who is your favorite nearest neighbor? I love starting near Ramses, even on Emperor his capitol typically has more wonders, than defenders.
  15. M

    Maximum experience and omnipromoted unit.

    What's the maximum experience you had on a single unit? Did you ever manage to get a unit with all possible promotions?
  16. M

    Monarch espionage economy walkthrough - part 1.

    Recently I played with pure espionage economy and I like it. While not always optimal it is fun and challenging. While I still lose some games I'm feeling comfortable enough with it to win most monarch game without researching anything past classical era by myself. I'll try to win this one too...
  17. M

    Monarch espionage economy walktrough?

    After several pure EE games on Monarch I feel confident. Should I try to make a EE monarch walkthrough game thread here? If so who should I pick as my leader Gilgamesh or Suleiman? ;)
  18. M

    Can you spell the name of Inca leader and his UU correctly?

    I normally call them H. Capac and Q. Warrior :)
  19. M

    I dislike Fin/Org. Help.

    Something is wrong with me. I guess I just suck at cottage spamming. Unless I press myself very hard I end up with hammer economy or at least SE. Something stops me from cottage spamming all the time. Maybe I have a subconscious idea that cottage spamming is dishonorable, I don't know. Any...
  20. M

    AI and nukes?

    What AI's build Manhattan by themselves and what AIs build and use nukes? In most of my games Manhattan Project is not built at all and even it built is nuke ban passes early.
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