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  1. Dynamic Cow

    Favourite Cranberries song

    Just for the sake of promoting this trend... my favourite is Ode to my family. what is yours?
  2. Dynamic Cow


    Has anyone else on this forum played ADOM? In that case, what did you think of it? Oh, you can find ADOM here.
  3. Dynamic Cow

    Ok, i have 300 post... WHY should i get a custom avatar?

    I promised myself that i would make this thread my 300:ed post, and here we are. so, why should i get myself a custom avatar?
  4. Dynamic Cow

    How many languages can you understand?

    How many languages can you understand? not have a perfect pronouncment, not spelling correctly, just look at a text in a language and simply know what the words mean. (i may be a little fuzzy, bit i think you understand what i mean.) Edit: i myself can understand four languages, but cannot...
  5. Dynamic Cow

    When do you surf CFC?

    just curious, at what time of the day do you tune in on CFC?
  6. Dynamic Cow

    question: whats so evil about communism?

    can someone, anyone, tell me why communism is so bad, that it must be stopped at any cost?
  7. Dynamic Cow

    Are you in love?

    inspired by the "I like you" thread and the fact that love got its viscious claws at my heart... are you in love? as you might have understood already, yes im in love, :love: and she knows about it. too bad my feelings aren´t responded... ah well, i guess ill just have to live with that...
  8. Dynamic Cow

    Outpost 2

    Where can one play Outpost 2 against other people? ive been looking for a place ever since WoN stopped providing its services.
  9. Dynamic Cow

    have you visited...

    {link deleated} i like the music there. what do you think? I think that Thunderfall doesn't pay the bills to give you free advertising. AoA
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