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  1. S

    losing HP against injured units

    This is a possible bug, I have no screenshot or save for it but I suppose everyone knows what I mean. I could make some sreenshots in my next game though. You attack a barbarian brute or spearman that has only 1-3 HP left with your 10 HP Swordsman. The info screen shows a result of 8-2. As...
  2. S

    Barbarians too passive

    Did anyone else realize that Barbarian archer never attack out of their camp although they have 7 ranged strength? It's too easy to take them out with warriors especially with honour SP. Another thing are the barb galleys. They almost never attack. After taking a barb camp out my spearman was...
  3. S

    [FIXED] Catapults can melee attack

    I tried the tutorial game and attacked Mecca with my catapult (right click, just forgot to set up before). It was a melee attack as my catapult was injured. The save is just before the attack.
  4. S review 87 points

    It's in german. They critisize the AI a lot. I hope this will be improved. Very nice are the funny screenshots on page 4.,45944,2317923.html
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