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  1. biohazard72

    New Tiers (March Patch)

    Just figure we should reopen this discussion, considering the large-scale changes to the game last patch. A lot of strategies are now proving viable depending on situation which strengthened some civs. My take (sorted into 4 tiers): Top Tier - always strong Siam - Wats without Libraries, 3...
  2. biohazard72

    Selling Cities Late Game for Cash/Defense

    Just a little thing I came up with when I was being pressed late in a game won by space race. If your production cities are not along your border, then you can sell your border cities to an AI you trust for cash. Filler cities really aren't useful at that point, and since you're not growing at...
  3. biohazard72

    Post Patch Strategy Changes

    Just making a post for people to document their strategy changes with the new patch, or general comments. 1. Culture for all. Having Tradition and Legalism as social policies allows many non-cultural civs to pick up some early social policies, including the very powerful Landed Elite. A very...
  4. biohazard72

    How do you play Diplomacy?

    Just a curious question. I've seen many people complain about it, but not a lot of people have gone and decided strategies along those lines. My strategy: ally only with civs with corner starts. They have less close neighbours and hence less enemies, which is their main advantage over other...
  5. biohazard72

    Himeji Castle France Strategy (Deity)

    Just figured I'd type up a strategy I've been working on. It's not universally applicable (because of requirement on high food capital), but it's quite strong/fun if you recognize when you meet the requirements. France is used because of their larger cultural borders early on, but any civ can be...
  6. biohazard72 Extra Copy of Luxury

    If you improve a luxury then settle on it, it increases your copy number of that luxury by 1 over the expected number. Save game provided to demonstrate (Marble; my second city settled on it). It does carry on when reloading. Note also that this isn't the first game where I noticed this - I...
  7. biohazard72

    RA Agreement Lockout Isn't Flawless

    First off: it works most of the time. But I've thrice invested a turn in a tech well before the RA completed only to have it chosen for my RA, even though there were techs that were completely unresearched available to choose. I'm not exactly sure why it happened. Once it was the most...
  8. biohazard72

    AI Wars Post Patch

    Has anyone seen an AI completely take over another AI after the patch? I have not. I have not even seen an AI take a capital. Definitely far less runaways now, it seems. Probably a good thing, but it kind of ruins the immersion when everyone survives and has a somewhat decent empire until the...
  9. biohazard72

    What determines the AI Treasury Size?

    Is there a modifier that differs between leaders regarding how much cash they keep on hand? Or is it a product of other modifiers? I ask because I often see certain civs with tons of cash and some with far less. If it's something inherent in their play, I can fill a warmonger game with cash...
  10. biohazard72

    Steal CS Worker or no?

    Just looking for some more opinions. Pros: - early Worker Cons: - can't declare war on a CS again (to earn ally status with another CS and take that CS's sweet, sweet luxury). - Workers are freely available in later wars Classic example of reward now vs. reward later. If you're a...
  11. biohazard72

    Freedom/Order vs Rationalism/Secularism

    First off: I'm of the belief that focusing on food and production improvements will give you better production (allowing you to work more production tiles), making it inherently stronger than a trade post economy. This seems to be the general consensus I get around here. A problem arises: if...
  12. biohazard72

    Emotionless AI

    If you reveal territory and then an AI you haven't met settles in it, you can talk to them by switching to strategic view and clicking on the city. This reveals the somewhat funny fact that they are "Emotionless". Just thought it was neat and a little weird, as I didn't expect it to be...
  13. biohazard72

    Best Post-Patch Deity Spaceship Times?

    Just curious what you guys are accomplishing, particularly with Siam. My best so far is 251 turns with Mongolia, which is also my only post-patch Deity win, but I wasn't really pushing it and actually wasn't sure it would be my victory condition. I probably could have shaved off at least 5 turns...
  14. biohazard72

    Mongolia Rapes Deity

    Since they made Cavs upgrade to Tanks, Mongolia has entered God Tier for warmongering. Nobody is even remotely close IMO. Here's why: 1. Keshiks can shoot and retreat, allowing casualty-free wars if you manage your positioning well. Very few other civs can war this way. 2. 5 movement units...
  15. biohazard72

    Tech Patterning for Warrior Rushing

    Right now I'm horrible at Warrior rushing. I'm too slow finding a Worker steal opportunity, and wiping AI armies without huge losses is tough for me too. Any tips there are appreciated too. But that's not what this is about. I'm wondering about tech pattern - should I be grabbing luxury techs...
  16. biohazard72

    Deity Cultural Victory?

    Has anybody done it? Is there a thread somewhere that explains how it happened? Diplomatic and Technological victories are so ruthlessly optimized that I'm curious if anyone out there is trying it for culture. I'd imagine Siam, France, or Songhai would be the civs of choice - Siam for the Wat...
  17. biohazard72

    200 turn Deity Spaceship - France

    First off: props to Martin Alvito for his very informative thread. Since France strategy is different in some significant aspects, I decided to create my own thread. Martin Alvito's <200 Turn Babylon Thread So, 200 turns with France is indeed possible! AFAIK, this is the quickest non-Babylon...
  18. biohazard72

    I love the Statue of Liberty

    The Statue of Liberty is EXTREMELY powerful. If I have to build one wonder, it's this - not Forbidden Palace. I passed on FP my last game, and didn't even notice. This was because I was running Freedom and lots of specialists everywhere, and this is a massive happiness bonus. In fact, once SoL...
  19. biohazard72

    When to build Workshops?

    I'm having trouble finding a proper time to build them. I do know that in the long run, they come out as having positive hammer value (after 500 hammers worth of buildings), but including opportunity cost, it makes them harder to place. I've narrowed down the possibilities to three (representing...
  20. biohazard72

    Predicting Post-Patch Strategies

    It might be too early to comment due to not knowing the nature of some nerfs, but using general info (no storing policies, Maritime nerf, Horseman nerf) here are some strategies (and Civs) that I think will be significantly stronger post-patch compared to now. Rome: - standard ICS style -...
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