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  1. FiresForever

    What do you love and hate about CCTP

    As the title says, what do you love :worship: and hate :aargh: about CCTP and its current features.
  2. FiresForever

    Unit System

    I have been working on a new unit system, so far this is how it stands: We have three different classes of building in each era: Standard housing (normal building) Improved housing (national wonder) Special building (building that requires the national wonder in city to build) The...
  3. FiresForever

    CCTP Mythology and Religion

    Time for a new thread :) First screenshot of the mythology or religion selection page, still need to add buttons but you get the idea.
  4. FiresForever

    CCTP V3 Details

    Coming Soon V3 (workshop v3) Beta Testing now Open via Github!
  5. FiresForever

    White Rabbit Mode

    Coming Soon to V3 (workshop v3) Beta testing now open via github NOTE: Make sure you are playing in English, other languages are not yet supported!! Additional Details: Civ List: How to use: Activate the white rabbit version of the mod in civ 5 mod list. Note 1: Do not activate vanilla...
  6. FiresForever

    CCTP City View

    City View V2 (coming sometime): The initial aim of the enhanced city view is to drastically alter the way buildings are constructed, upgraded, managed and maintained. The change will be very graphic heavy as such at some point we will need people to work on this, but for now I hope to get...
  7. FiresForever

    CCTP Map Tutorial

    **THIS TUTORIAL IS NOT YET COMPLETE** Extracting .civ5map Data The most complicated part of adding your own maps is to get the Mappoints, this is the data that we take from the worldbuilder map files. Programs you will need for Mappoint: Notepad++: A Hex editor...
  8. FiresForever

    Credits: Included Mods, Artwork, etc

    This thread is for credits, do not reply here unless you have added something to the mod that needs crediting. Additions from other Mods or Modmods From CiVUP by Thalassicus: Clock on top tooltip by Attila Expanded plot rollover by CsebMod and Adam Watkins Border expansion indicator by...
  9. FiresForever

    Additions from other Mods

    I thought it was about time that we added some other mod elements into CCTP From CiVUP by Thalassicus: Clock on top tooltip by Attila Expanded plot rollover by CsebMod and Adam Watkins Border expansion indicator by Copasetic’s Others: Emigration by killmeplease TreeGrowth by...
  10. FiresForever

    CCTP Desktop Pimpage - Wallpapers, Icons, etc

    Wallpapers and other Community Call to Power related desktop pimpage items. To kick things off here is the CCTP setup screen background for anyone wanting to use it as a wallpaper :).
  11. FiresForever

    CCTP Rise To Power Development & Discussion

    What is the Rise to Power? Currently the feature is not implemented but when you start a game of CCTP you will get your first taste of it via the new selection page. The current thinking is that it will have 2 elements these being: A small starting buff An event driven story that...
  12. FiresForever

    CCTP Tech Tree Development & Discussion

    This thread is all about the Tech Tree component of Community Call To Power **Note: This thread is not about the actual techs** Tech Tree V3 (Coming Soon) The techs are divided into three categories per era, these being:
  13. FiresForever

    CCTP Maps Development & Discussion

    This thread is all about the maps component of Community Call To Power CCTP Maps V2.5 (07 August 2012): Blue text identifies things that have been fixed for the next release. Map Issues: Issues with game setup: General: If you want to help, then you can help by:
  14. FiresForever

    Buildingclass limit for maps made in worldbuilder

    I thought I would post this here in case it helps anybody who is developing a large mod, and I haven’t seen it posted before. At the CCTP mod we have been having an array error message popping up when using it and starting games using maps made in world builder, I traced it back to the...
  15. FiresForever


    Updating Info
  16. FiresForever

    BFTTree - Multiple Page Tech Tree

    BFTTree Version 6 Released 21/11/2010 Well it has been just over a month now since v5 was released, thanks to everyone for their input especially lemmy, i still have a bit of spit and polishing to do before release. So here is some new info to keep you going until then, there are some major...
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