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  1. S

    Does the need to construct dedicated troop transport BOATS constitute grand strategy?

    Okay, I was running a debate in the rants thread which really wasn't fair because haters aren't allowed to post anywhere but there (right?) and we fanboys get to post everywhere else. So I needed to start this thread so that we all can just get along. Anyway, the debate, as usual, has evolved...
  2. S

    Has opinion of the game changed, or the mix on the forum?

    Like/dislike polls were very frequent for the first month and a half. And the polls were remarkably consistent with a 50/50 split. The latest set of polls and the tenor on this board has shifted to a more negative bent. I am curious whether this is because the game does not stand up (i.e...
  3. S

    Does 'That Alone' tell you civ 5 is not like the others?

    A claim was made on another thread, that appealing to a new customer base is indication that civ 5 is not a true civilization game. (insert implied condescention here) While I don't agree with the inferrence, I think the underlying assumption is wrong, and that is more important.
  4. S

    Why do you choose you difficulty setting?

    I realized I was making an assumption about how folks chose their difficulties so I wanted to see what the answer is...
  5. S

    Does you favorite civ game influence wheether you like CIV V?

    Okay, I promissed this poll on friday, and the help of another poll helped me frame the wording. It is my theory that Your opinion of the best civ game will color you perception of ciV. With almost all of the folks disliking ciV belonging to the ciV BTS is the best of the series category...
  6. S

    Are past versions of CIV relevant?

    ICS = inherently bad and a game killer, is an underlying assumption running through a lot of opinions expressed on this forum. I have challenged that claim many places on the board by bringing up the original versions and successful sequels of classics such as Civ I, II, MoM and SMAC...
  7. S

    Is RB3 proving its point?

    I have been following Sulla's playthrough's with interest. His latest is an attempt to prove that ciV is completely broken and unfixable because you can dominate deity in a succession game after only 1 month. All of the founding...
  8. S

    Who here remembers MoM's Wraiths?

    All this talk about horses being super units that ruin ciV keeps taking me back to the day when I introduced my Nephew to Master of Magic. I had him at 'Magic'. But I really grabbed him when I said... 'If you ever get depressed and just want to kick the snot out of the AI on the highest...
  9. S

    City states: Exploit or AI Problem?

    This conversation has danced around on the boards as a tangent to many conversations, but I haven't seen it as a topic in its own right. Many folks consider city states to be an exploit. I don't see them as an exploit but as a flaw with the combat AI that will be corrected when the combat...
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