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Search results

  1. The Strategos

    The Library

    I thought it might be helpful for some people to have a list of books, articles, documentaries, and other media which are useful to NESers and NESing. Feel free to make suggestions for additions and I will edit them in. Rules: -Submissions to the list must be made in this thread -I will add...
  2. The Strategos

    St.NES: Sacred Bonds

    Update 8 deadline Sunday, September 13, 8:00 AM EST Game Background: Game Philosophy:
  3. The Strategos

    A Storyist Manifesto

    A Storyist Manifesto Prologue This is a Storyist Manifesto. Notice, it is a Storyist Manifesto, not the Storyist Manifesto. I make no claim to represent all Storyists or its positions. Some Storyists will find what I say useful, others will anathematize it. In addition, it can be...
  4. The Strategos

    How Complex Should Stats/Rules Be?

    Yes, yes, yet another poll from me. I will, from time to time, ask some questions in preparation for the NES I may or may not eventually do, and this is one of those times. So, the question for today, if moderator work is NOT a factor, how complex do you prefer the stats/rules? Please...
  5. The Strategos

    Checking for Interest in a NES

    So I recently signed up for classes for next semester, and it looks like it may be a light load. So, there is a possibility that I may decide to mod a NES after the flurry of holidays die down, say around mid-January. To help me, please choose which options you would be interested in playing...
  6. The Strategos

    "Pure Story" Preview Thread

    So one of my dirty little secrets is that I secretly hanker for a "pure story" NES where instead of the NES being update driven, it is player story driven. Unfortunately, since I've been here though it has been discussed quite a bit, it has never actually been attempted to my knowledge. So I...
  7. The Strategos

    OSNES: Future Shock

    You know the drill, don't post until I indicate I'm ready for it... Introduction I’ve been on this forum on again off again for about a year now. Since the beginning of the summer, I’ve been slowly working on an idea for an NES, one set in a cyberpunkish universe. I dropped the...
  8. The Strategos

    Succession Game Anyone?

    So anyone interested in playing in a succession game?
  9. The Strategos

    Gaian Ascendancy: Long Live Planet!

    MY 2101: The Strategos looked around at the newly formed Gaia’s Landing with pride, then sighing, he looked back at the hastily formed scout patrol under his command. If they were the best the Gaians had to offer, then the Gaians were in big, big trouble. “Alright men! Reports indicate a pod...
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