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Search results

  1. N

    quorum abolition

  2. N


    a while ago i said i would be redoubling my involvement in the democracy game. unfortunately, real life had different plans and for all my good intentions, i am no longer capable of devoting time to this site. therefore, i am resigning my positions. abstain will become official governor of...
  3. N

    Das Schweize Alpenhaus

    Wilkommen zus Schweize Alpenhaus! A lovely little ski resort nestled high in Mt. Victory. Provides retail of ski goods, rental of equipment, passes for the slopes, rooms for the night, and a pleasant cafe where you can just sit and watch the alpenglow with someone special. Retail (Will...
  4. N

    mayors wanted!

    have you ever dreamed of running your very own city? well now is your chance. the term 2 bohemian provincial administration (hereafter referred to as the bpa) is looking for qualified mayors to preside over the affairs of state in valhalla and the soon to be built city-on-the-iron (the post has...
  5. N

    Term 2 - Province of Bohemia

    this is the new thread that i promised all of you. lets try to make it productive, to wit, please do not challenge my abstain decision. i do not want to be forced to post off-topic. this is the current build queue, bavaria - archer, archer, archer, warrior, warrior. valhalla - worker...
  6. N

    quorum abolition

    it has come to my attention after having two polls to fill a critical post of provincial governmant fail to meet the minimum number of votes, that most persons who join do not actively pursue breaking issues. i feel that the quorum should be eliminated as in 48 hours those who care about the...
  7. N

    unofficial poll regarding elections

    having just done my voting, i discovered it is nearly impossible to tell what any of the candidates stand for. i would like to gather support for a change in the regs requiring new candidates to post a message in the election forum clearly and explicitly stating their reasons for running, their...
  8. N


    any file i attempt to download from this site, instead of being the nice .bic i was promised, comes out as a file called "attachment.php" which i can neither open nor unstuff. i am a mac user if it makes any difference. please tell me how i can fix this. thank you[dance]
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