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  1. B

    All buttons/Map/Unit selected box gone

    Playing yesterday and all of a sudden I lost everything at the bottom of the screen, couldnt see and prefferences etc to turn on or off the minimap, control buttons and info panel but if anyone knows how to do this I would like to know for future. In the end I saved and restarted to have...
  2. B

    Wot no IRON?

    I am playing a huge 30 civ game right now (As Babylon) and I have a problem, basically I have finished the ancient era and have only come across one source of iron that happens to be in Sumerian territory (don’t have a full map as yet but I cant go anywhere without fighting) they are...
  3. B

    Helecopters on carriers?

    Can I? I need to pop some troops off in a (shortly to be) enemy territory (single city that’s isolated from the rest of his civ (want rid of him as hes isolated my oil and rubber resources and has instigated half a dozen embargoes on me in the past couple of hundred years) that I cant reach by...
  4. B

    Spaceship win?

    First time I have got as far as space flight, I’ve now built the Apolo project and satisfied the requirements to build at least 4 space ship components, how do I go about building them? They don’t appear in the drop down build list, is there a requirement for me to build a launch site first...
  5. B

    Subs starting wars?

    I have had 2 occasions now where wars have been started by other civs trying to occupy the square my submersibles have been sat in. These boats are of the wooden type and therefore wouldn’t have seen the sub but surely the AI knows the sub is there if they try to move into the square and that...
  6. B

    Armed Transport?/Escort

    I seem to have had a string of wars as recent and therefore my powerful capitol ships are all 6+ turns away from my main continental base, I have seen a lot of American naval activity off my coast and am therefore worried about sending unescorted Transports to sea although I need to in order to...
  7. B

    Mil Academy

    How do I make an army in the city with the military academy? No join army button appears and yes I have enough cities and no unused MGL.
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