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  1. Karmah

    natural rights vs divine mandate

    So this is my third game. So far I keep picking divine mandate as I don't see how else you can gain faith and start a religion. But it seems people aren't keen on religion and the 'good way' to play is natural rights. Which I will now pick. But there is internet to gather opînions and then...
  2. Karmah

    Second game first question : atheism

    I'm at the point where I'm proposed some irreligion/atheist civics, I have a religion with four tenets comfortably settled on my continent. I'm not sure now what those civics impact would be. 1. lose a state religion : I'm not sure what state religion does and what losing mine would do ...I'm...
  3. Karmah

    any news on january update ?

    Hello there fellow fanatics, I have not been able to follow recently , is there any news on the next update as we approach the middle of the month ?
  4. Karmah

    occult research vs other projects

    I'm currently playing trying out the hermetic order. The occult research seems to cost more than 3x a normal project to give points into three categories. If I could trust the game design , I'd say it gives more points than three separated projects but I doubt it and I can't find numbers...
  5. Karmah

    How often do you slot GP cards?

    I realize I never use them. I think I 'm missing out. Even the most obvious ones, the great prophet, I forget to slot. Tbh I only recently started to play with a religion again. (In GS world, faith is really much better, and founding at immortal has become less of a shot in the foot). Back to...
  6. Karmah

    I might try my first mod but first a question , is this moddable ?

    Hello, I complained about a bug : Basically when you have shared vision and you are the first to meet a CS you don't get envoys. I'm thinking of diving into modding to solve it. Can any...
  7. Karmah

    carnival vs other projects ?

    Hello, Does someone specifically knows if carnival projects have any advantage over normal projects ? like less focused but the sum of gained people points if higher than any 'focused' projects ?
  8. Karmah

    there is this bug on collaborative mp and city state

    It's very minor ,but still pretty annoying when you are used to the normal mechanics. When I play a collaborative game with my wife ,2v2v2v2 style, if you discover a city-state first you don't get any envoy. Not hard to guess why. Since you are allied from the start you share vision , since...
  9. Karmah

    bomber can't attack city

    Haven't been using them in a while ,but I can't remember how you attrack city . What is wrong here ?
  10. Karmah

    Classical Monumentality

    Everyone seems to count on 'monumentality'. I understand , it's one of the best golden age ever. But ,you need faith to make it work. Does that means that everyone is going shrine first on their 2-3 first cities and not campusx3 or campus x2 + encampment as I used to gather ? Monumentality you...
  11. Karmah

    Jon Shafers At The Gates

    Hello, Did anyone try it ? What would be your opinion ?
  12. Karmah

    A friend sent me this sc.shot , can't say I can explain it...

    How the hell can you get an army scout by turn 20 ????
  13. Karmah

    how does "wars of religion" works when you have not founded any religion ?

    I'm just curious to know in details how this policy works : when you have not founded any religion , when you have no majority religion ,when you did found a religion but someone converted a majority of your cities. I'm prety sure...
  14. Karmah

    Positionning made easy , just overlap ZI and shrine

    I'm guessing its a kind of bug ,probably related to the fact that my civ still has no clue what a shrine is and how to build it at turn 170 ;)
  15. Karmah

    You can free a gifted city ?

    Or did I missed some choice menu somewhere ? context : I just got gifted Amsterdam by the Japanese as part of a peace treaty. Its a ciy state , I'd rather be its suzerain.
  16. Karmah

    Hello doc , I'm hooked on wonders again ...

    As it is, Civ6 (playing immortal or deity) left me unhooked to wonders, for a while..... In civ6 , they were very few games where I did not go for hanging garden (yes even after the release of the last expansion) and at least one of the early great engineers wonder (because a early GE point...
  17. Karmah

    Losing gold while positive

    Hello, In the game I m playing right now, i m losing around 10g per turn while being at +12.1gold per turn. Any lead as to what might cause this?
  18. Karmah

    I know that we should appeal to numbernumbs but ...

    How do I choose without any number between 'severe' and 'heavy' warmonger penalties ???? which is worst ? I dunno , severe sounds harsh but heavy is a lot :)
  19. Karmah

    What do you don once you passed on a great engineer.

    The other civs have 0 points there. Does that means I"m gonna be stuck and won't be able to buy until someone else does , which is gonna be never ?
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