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  1. TopGearFanatic

    How can I add E. Orthodox to my games?

    I not familiar with modding, but I was curious if I woud be able to add Eastern Orthodoxy as a possible religion to my games outside of 'Into the Renaissance'. Moved to C&C.
  2. TopGearFanatic

    Really small window

    When I start the game, it's in a really small window. Probably about 3cm by 1cm. All I did was set the game to skip the intro video, now I can't play the game past the intro. How can I return the game to normal?
  3. TopGearFanatic

    Can't start Worldbuilder

    It says Civilization V installation is required, and it is installed, and if I'd like to manually select the game path. I click 'yes' and it says it cannot run without a valid Civilization V path. I can play the game, but I can't start Worldbuilder. Moved to the modding subforum.
  4. TopGearFanatic

    Nothing will start!

    I try to get my game to start and all it says is that it is preparing to start. It's been this way for a while now and I'm tired of it.
  5. TopGearFanatic

    China in the South China Sea

    I don't know how many of you have been paying attention to the dispute in the South China Sea, but it seems to me that China is being a little unreasonable. In recent months China has also become more aggressive in their claims...
  6. TopGearFanatic

    How do you see Genghis Khan?

    I'm taking inspiration from Genghis Khan's Civilopedia page here. Do you see him as a cruel warmonger or an excellent leader and statesman?
  7. TopGearFanatic

    A Friendly Denunciation

    I'm not sure if it's because of the last patch or not, but since then almost all denunciations have come from leaders with a status of "friendly". We have absolutely no negative relations, they just denounce me for no reason. Am I the only one having trouble making friends or is anybody else...
  8. TopGearFanatic

    An Ottoman Europe?

    I'll start by openly admitting I do not know a lot about the Ottoman Empire. Moving on, I am curious to know if there are any scenarios in which the Ottoman Empire could have conquered all of Western Europe? If not, what is the farthest they could've gotten with their best chances?
  9. TopGearFanatic

    [Not a bug] Stone Graphic Glitch

    Whenever I try to get the graphic for Stone to appear, it gives me an error message and a red block appears where the image should be. Do I not have the patch installed or what?
  10. TopGearFanatic

    Grant or Lee?

    I know on the History Channel this week in the U.S. they're running several specials on the American Civil War. One of these is about Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. I was curious to see who you all think was the better general overall.
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