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  1. That nerdy kid

    What do you think of the Kasbah?

    Is it a lackluster UI, or is it game-changing? Or somewhere in between?
  2. That nerdy kid

    Tradition policies

    I don't ususally use Tradition, but I was wondering how the "Grants free cultural building in 4 cities" or Aqueducts one works. If I sell my original cultural building, do I get it for free? or does it automatically build if I don't have it?
  3. That nerdy kid

    Using Native American city states from New World scenario

    How can I use these in a world builder map? Moved to C&C.
  4. That nerdy kid

    City State ideas thread

    This thread should be used to list your ideas for City states which you think should be included in the game. Please specify what type it will be. Kiev (Trade): Captial of the Kievan Rus, it was a major trade city between Russia's (Amber?) mines and Byzantium. Riga (Militaristic/ Trade)...
  5. That nerdy kid

    Change to Patronage Finisher?

    The patronage finisher (influence decays 33% faster) gets insane on larger maps. I would like to see a change to it (maybe 10% faster, or some other way.)
  6. That nerdy kid

    Change to Carthage's UA- Mountains

    We are all familiar with Hannibal's Crossing of the Alps. This is part of the inspiration for Carthage's UA, the ability to cross mountains. However, Units that end their turns on mountains lose half of their health. In reality, Hannibal lost only a few troops from being on a mountain, and most...
  7. That nerdy kid

    G+K laggier than vanilla?

    I have been playing a single game and, even on strategic view, My game has crashed about 3 times. This never happened in vanilla. Does anyone else have this problem.
  8. That nerdy kid

    Medieval scenario

    This scenario is a lot different than I expected. Far from being a constant war scenario, you have to go around and place cities. I was looking forward to conquering the worlds, but it simply can't be done. With only 200 turns, and having to build up your civ quite a bit, I will be lucky to...
  9. That nerdy kid

    Game isn't loading

    I pre ordered a copy, and it has not switched from being a 'preorder to being a 'dlc'. It is listed under dlc, but has not downloaded. Am I doing something wrong??
  10. That nerdy kid


    I have bought the game, and it has not downloaded yet. Is this an error, or normal?
  11. That nerdy kid

    Hanging gardens

    How important would you rate them? it gives a massive boost to growth, and a few free workers.
  12. That nerdy kid

    EU rome?

    is it any good? (considering buying)
  13. That nerdy kid

    I am playing as the inca... Now what?

    what are the inca best at? is it diplomatic victory? (trade routes) or maybe domination? it is a highlands map.
  14. That nerdy kid

    city list additions

    Many civs are missing some important cities from their city lists. For one example, the German Empire. The cities of Konigsberg, Danzig (Gdansk), and Strassburg were all important provincial capitals during the German Empire, which is represented by Germany in CIV. While I don't think Strassburg...
  15. That nerdy kid

    Germanic - Celtic relationship?

    are the Germanic and Celtic peoples in any way related (as in more so than Germanic and Latin)? Basically: Are there any cultural or linguistic ties?
  16. That nerdy kid

    Hit the jackpot

    playing as Germany, I rushed to civil service for Landsknecht, then sent one out around exploring. It walked on to an ancient ruins, which then had the Upgrade Unit effect. This gave me a rifleman by turn 60. It can take out an entire city in 3 hits by itself. Anyway, isn't this unfair...
  17. That nerdy kid


    should I buy victoria II or wait to pre order G&K? I have EU3 and I like it, but how much harder is Victoria II to play?
  18. That nerdy kid

    EU3 core gain time

    where is the file containing the length of time before a province becomes a core? I have DW and no outside mods. I need the file name.
  19. That nerdy kid

    The map editor: Contacting civs

    is there any way to have each civ meet all other civs (a quick way)?
  20. That nerdy kid

    To oracle or not to oracle: WOTAW

    Do you think it is better to build the oracle or not to build the oracle? you get an easy wonder at first, but also have to build your empire much later.
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