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  1. LordGek

    [GS] Anybody inspired to make a Red Death Solo mod?

    Hey Gang, I'm no modder but I'd think the BIGGEST obstacle would be tweaking the AI to handle this new mode competently as it sounds like the current Firaxis mp bots can avoid the Red Death but that's about it.
  2. LordGek

    Can I bring up Civopedia entries from the map?

    Hey Gang, I swear I recall, in Civ 5, it was very easy to simply click on a unit or wonder on the map to bring up its Civopedia entry, I'm wondering if that is still possible in Civ 6 and I'm just missing something obvious in the UI?
  3. LordGek

    Always the same quests?

    As I recall in Civ 5 with stuff like the City State demands, these things would really vary from game to game but it sure seems like I'm seeing most of these quests each game. Like will the Far Base One quest appear in every game I play? I sure hope with patches or even DLC they add in enough...
  4. LordGek

    So what are these new Great People and National Wonders on iOS?

    Hey Gang, Assuming you've grabbed the latest iOS update, anybody have more info on these 2 new IAPs, 16 Great People ($1.99) and 16 National Wonders ($1.99)?
  5. LordGek

    AI War Stories?

    Hey Players, As I'm trapped here at work, I'd love to hear some war stories from day 1 purchasers detailing AI brilliance or even sheer stupidity. Best yet, AI seeming to behave SO STUPID that you don't even see it coming when it UTTERLY DESTROYS YOU (or basically the AI making what you're...
  6. LordGek

    Direct 2 Drive = Steam?

    Hey Guys, I just purchased the D2D version as it seemed a better deal than Steam's (extra Cive and a free DLC for $50)...but here is the weird gives me an activation code to then download it via Steam!? So even D2D's version is via Steam which seems to imply that only a sucker...
  7. LordGek

    Anybody pickup the iPhone Version?

    Hey Gang, While it seems the PR fro this game doesn't like the nasty rumor that this is just a somewhat iPhone optimized UI port of the DS version, it is so clear that is EXACTLY what it is! My biggest proof, do any fellow purchasers of the iPhone port think this is using the finalized...
  8. LordGek

    Scenarios - Fixed or Random Maps?

    Hey Gang, I had always thought the scenarios in CivRev were randomized maps with some new rule tweaks thrown in (which is VERY COOL, IMHO). And yet now I noticed that the "Ice Age" scenario seems fixed (I almost always start in the exact same location with maybe the barbarian camps...
  9. LordGek

    Who can "upgrade" their obsoleted units?

    Hey Gang, If I understand it correctly only the German and owners of Leonardo's Workshop can upgrade their units to new ones for free, right? Can other Civs at least pay to do this? Lastly, if the German's only get this upgrade once they'd reached Elite status, when is a unit considered Elite?
  10. LordGek

    Unique Units!?

    Hey Gang, While I realize that many Civs have unique units, much akin to the PC Civ games, I'm still not clear if these differences in CivRev are just graphical (I can't find any information on the stats of the uniques in the Civopedia)?
  11. LordGek

    Discussion of SP DLC

    Hey Gang, Since the whole reason I upped the ante from my DS version was to play with the extra SP content of the big console versions (in may case, the XB360 version), I was wondering what others have thought about the extra content? I just played a little of Ice Age and made a huge boner...
  12. LordGek

    SP AI post 1.3?

    Hey Gang, I just picked up the DS version the other day and find while this isn't Civ as I've known it for years on the PC, it's actually a pretty clever little game. I'm now becoming sorely tempted to make the big jump and snag this game on one of the big systems (which means I'll...
  13. LordGek

    Which mapscripts aren't compatible with FfH2?

    Hey Gang, While I know there are all sorts of user made mapscripts you people may or may not be aware of, do you know at least which of the official Firaxian mapscripts will not work with FfH2 (or the ones that will work if a shorter list). Like I have found the following mapscripts not...
  14. LordGek

    [3.03] Specific Type of Civilopedia Crashes

    Hey Gang, I'm not sure if this issue existed BEFORE v3.03, but I can consistently crash the game if I goto any UU or UB and hit the link to the unit or building this Civ specific unit or building replaces. So if I got the Apothecary and hit the Grocer link the game crashes but if I just...
  15. LordGek

    Accident or Intentional Change in v3.03 w/ Paratroopers...

    Hey Gang, Maybe this is an intentional quick fix from Firaxis until they address it more fully in the next big patch but it appears the paratroopers have lost their "drop" animation in v3.03! Now you'll just see them suddenly appear running in place where ever they are dropped. Any of you...
  16. LordGek

    RtW with Random Maps?

    Hey Dale, While I see this as sort of an oxymoron "A fully randomized historical scenario"...I'd still love to see it! I mean you have already proven this is a whole new system based on the old Civ 4 mechanics and I think it would be fun to play on a random map with your new leaders...
  17. LordGek

    Next War Mod Cleaned Up...

    Chiyu has done the incredible! While Next War was advertised as having a Epic Game Mod mode it was a poorly implemented mess. Snag this mod, put it in its OWN Expanded directory in the Mods folder (yes, while it fixes stuff in Next War it does not go in that directory). :scan...
  18. LordGek

    Classic Era Starts - Does Player Ever Get a Religion?

    Hey Gang, I just tried a few Classical Era Starts (not an Advanced Start) and in none of the games did I start as a founder of a religion. I'm hoping this is just dealt out at random, but since Warlords ALWAYS had the player starting as the founder of Judaism, I'm afraid that now you'll...
  19. LordGek

    Random Personalities - Would the Following be Possible?

    Hey Modders! My question, as a big fan of the Random Personalities Custom Game Option, I was wondering how feasible it might be to add even more AI Personalities? Can these AI Personalities be made independent of any particular Leader? I think this all came up when it was pointed out to...
  20. LordGek

    Final Frontier (Demo) Interface Question...

    While I like the IDEA of being able to build the same structures on different planets in the same system...the interface for this is very kludgey, IMHO. For example, could somebody tell me how I can give an order for Recycling Centers in all of my accessible planets within a system? As far...
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