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  1. A

    Your colony is an utter mess. When was the last time you defragged?

    This is the third time I've revisited the game, between long stints of returning to Civ 5. Civ BE, compared to Civ 5, is tedious, with long barren wastes between opponents and long, barren durations between action. Then once in awhile something, like a quote, makes me smile. Firaxis has so...
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    Stepped on Opponent's Mind Flower

    Playing on Soyuz difficulty, normal size map, working toward contact victory, I realized an opponent was 50% through trans victory. As I'd won a trans victory the night before I knew this meant she was building mind flower, but her units were all a generation ahead of mine, so like maybe 5 or 6...
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    Alliance Issues (text, cosmetic)

    Open borders and alliance don't gel well. Hutama offers open borders for open borders, I accept. Next turn he offers alliance, I accept. Next turn he offers open borders for open borders. Also, this most recent alliance offer I accepted, he declared war on " ! ". I'm guessing " ! " is the...
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    I would like to terminate my CFC account

    I would very much like to terminate my account with this site, but the process is not readily apparent. The only way I can find is to accrue such an amount of infractions, the decision is made by a mod. I don't really want it to come to that. Please explain how I can do this. Thanks.
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    Do we need more contributors?

    I was thinking this Off-topic forum could use some more contributors! How would you guys like it if I brought up this forum to my church's bible study organization? Maybe not all would "stick around", but I bet I could coax 50 or so to be regular contributors, especially on topics about, or that...
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    X-Class CME's Jan 8-10

    Next one's in about 11 hours. Temporary blackouts of radio and satellite communications likely. Possible light damage to power grids. It's cold outside and it's not a great time to lose power for a few hours. Gonna be beautiful up north, though. Wish I was up there to see it. Not to be an...
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    Proof of human evolution?

    So as to not hijack yet another thread... Aside from the debatably modified use of our appendixes... Is CCR5 delta 32 conclusive proof of human evolution via natural selection during the period of recorded history? This genetic deletion mutation renders the beneficiary immune to a host of...
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    Someone's getting sacked over this one.

    Yeh, it's I, the proponent of free speech. This example, however, is not someone screwing up in their "off time". It's pretty unbelievable, actually. No matter how you try to paint it, it's hard to not interpret this as offensive. In any event, the subject matter doesn't belong in "humor" on...
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    Should paedophiles be honor-bound to refuse work at Disneyland?

    Now, now. Don't get your panties in a bunch. There are parameters here. For the purpose of this conversation, the term "paedophile" does not mean offender. People who victimize others, especially those who have less capacity to defend themselves, should be punished, not only by incarceration...
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    How do I break into this gig?

    "I'm offended." Everyone's offended, all the time. All these lawsuits and rules thrown around are intended to push special rules for special people. There are some people who are "professionals at being offended". Grandma Jackson : How do you like your potatoes, Jesse? Jesse Jackson ...
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    Liberated Venice

    It's not come up before in a game for me, but just for something to do, I liberated Venice from Indonesia. Now he's a puppet. Venice is a puppet of Venice. Is this a bug? Is he stuck this way as he can't annex?
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    Has the AI embarrassed you lately?

    Two turns from finishing Borobudur, AI opponent swept in with his great prophet from the darkness and converted my holy city. Borobudur spawned 3 missionaries of his Hindu religion. Well played, Gajah Mada. What has the AI done to embarrass you, lately?
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    Weird luxury trade bug after latest patch [Not A Bug]

    Not a bug. I discovered the reason this happened. Was tired and didn't realize salt in deals was from a city I was razing. Deals ended when city no longer existed. Sorry. Please lock and/or delete thread.
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    Internet before computers?

    As a matter of fact, it's pretty easy with research agreements, faith-bought great scientists, and/or just straight science income to get Internet way before computers. Development oversight? Discuss.
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    Where to submit BNW crash reports? - crash at turn 392

    I have a crashed game to submit. It happens after I end turn 392. I have defense pacts with AI opponents who have subsequently denounced me. Possibly this is making some exception if Kame is dow'ing me? I've no clue. For all I know, it's some unit movement on the other side of the world...
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    Is there such a thing as a mp hack?

    Playing tonight had a spain opponent dead to rights. He had spent his money early rex to 3 cities total and his only visible unit was a composite archer. I, as celts, had 3 cites, 1 warrior, 5 celt uu spears, 3 archers, 3 composite archers. I had just lined up against his southern border in 2...
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    Odd bug. Unit in city not allowed to attack unit in adjacent tile.

    Lancer in Busan is not allowed to attack Korean artillery in tile southwest of Busan. Unit has not moved yet, had no combat this turn, and is stacked with no other "ground units". There are 2 bombers and 1 frigate in Busan with the Lancer, and Lancer can move to any tile except tile occupied by...
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    Is the AI losing its mind?

    I just watched Spain use a captured Christian great prophet on her own Barcelona. Her Madrid, 4 tiles away, is the holy city for Hinduism. Is this odd, buggy behavior? Is the AI programmed to flip-flop cities' religions for benefits (just war, monasteries, guruship are Christian beliefs)...
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    Accusation of breaking deal I didn't make.

    I read about this months ago. I could have sworn it got patched out at some point, but I've experienced it twice in the last 3 days. AI demands I stop settling/buying tiles near them, I say I'll settle where I please or none of your business, etc. I get diplomacy hit. Later dialogue leader...
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    Steam's recently modified user agreement

    How do I play Civ 5 without steam? Steam recently modified their user agreement and I'm not fond of contracts "switching up" when I'd already agreed. Is it true if I don't feel like being obligated to agree when "they" change the user agreement, can I then never again play Civ 5, the expac and...
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