• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. Civciv5

    How do I make a leaderscreen show only the background?

    If I wanted to get Ashurbanipal's background palace and have him show as invisible, how would I do that?
  2. Civciv5

    What are your favorite Civilization VI themes?

    One of the best things about the Civilizations series is the soundtrack. The music in Civ5 and Civ6 in particular has been really beautiful and I love listening to them. I'd like to know which are your favorite Civilization VI themes. Here is a poll including all released themes so far...
  3. Civciv5

    Inconsistency with city names

    Ok, I didn't buy the game. But I'm gonna complain anyway. I have noticed that Alexandria is named "Ra-Kedet", which is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) name. It doesn't make sense to use this name since nobody would recognize this. And even if they wanted to use the natives names of cities, they...
  4. Civciv5

    Is there culture-specific background music?

    So I didn't buy the game, but maybe I will. I'd like to know if the music that plays from the ancient to atomic era is the same for everyone or culture-flavored. This was one of my favourite things in Civ6. I mean it was really weird hearing Christian music or Beethoven while playing as China...
  5. Civciv5

    What happened to the forum layout?

    It was so orderly and nice, and now it's all so...different... Why was the switch made? I really miss the option to customize the forum layout, like the options to have the Christmas theme or a black colored version.
  6. Civciv5

    Should Saladin be a leader of Egypt?

    Since Saladin was not even an Arab, nor Caliph, nor ruler of the Arabian peninsula? Similar cases have happened before, like Boudica for all the Celts. He also didn't rule over most of Arabia which can be defined as: The Arabian peninsula Greater Arabia Arabian Empire, the caliphates at...
  7. Civciv5

    Not buying the game

    Nope, not buying it! Why? -Annoying Gandhi is back, an overrated activist who never ruled India. There are so many interesting leaders and they go with one that didn't rule India. Seriously -A woman leading Sparta? Seriously, why could have goten KING LEONIDAS, but we get a woman who...
  8. Civciv5

    How do I view the leaderscreens in Blender

    Ok so I succesfully got exported the leaderfiles into nb2 files. I downloaded the scripts for import and export for blender and pasted them in C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts But I can't actually import those files. Can anyone help me? Also where are the...
  9. Civciv5

    If the "leaked" picture turns out to be true...

    If the "leaked" picture turns out to be true, how do you feel about the choice of the civs and leaders?
  10. Civciv5

    By which date will we know all the civilizations?

    By which date will we know all the civilizations? Just a small question since I was curious. When did we know all the civilizations in Civilization V? Was it months, weeks or just days before its release?
  11. Civciv5

    Who should be the leader of Greece?

    Since there are already a few threads discussing who should be the leader of various nations, I'm opening one for Greece. Start voting now!
  12. Civciv5

    Will region-dependent soundtracks return?

    Because this was one of my favorite things in Civilization V, you had appropriate music playing for each region (Asia, Native America, Europe and the Middle East). It would be a shame to see this gone. I still remember playing as China hearing cathedral music in the Middle Ages in Civ IV...or...
  13. Civciv5

    Gandhi already confirmed as India's leader? (AGAIN?!)

    For the love of science and all that is logical please say this is not confirmed. Nothing against the man (he was an admirable man), but I'm really tired of having him again and again and again. India should not have Gandhi as its leader since he never controlled the country, it should be...
  14. Civciv5

    Weird crash

    In one of my mods the game crashes for an extremely weird reason. -I have a catapult with 3xp (lvl 2) and City Raider I promotion -This catapult attacks a city on a custom map -I have researched 50% of the tech tree I have made yet -This doesn't happen in the early game, catapults with all...
  15. Civciv5

    City name change upon conquest

    The discussion in the Quick Modding Thread seems to have ended without any clear solution, so I'm reposting it here. Someone posted this code, which I need adjusted so that the city name changes depending on the civilization itself and not the artstyle. if pCity.getName() ==...
  16. Civciv5

    Where do I find the XML Wall graphics files?

    Where are the Walls graphics defined? I can't find where these are defined and I'd like to change the Wall graphics. I tried looking into the CityLSystem, but they're not there, neither are they in the PlotLSystem. Like the Wall graphics change between the Classical and Medieval ages, where is...
  17. Civciv5

    Mod crashes for no apparent reason

    I'm currently developing another mod and I was playtesting it, but it crashes in 30 AD while "Waiting for other civilizations". I can't seem to solve it but I know it's not this -Not a missing graphic issue -Not a DLL issue -Not a Python issue So what could it be? I rather not upload the...
  18. Civciv5

    Weird problem

    I don't really know where to post this, but I have to post it somewhere otherwise I can't go on with my mod. So I was playtesting a mod of mine. Normally each turn would take 20 seconds to progress since it's a huge map. Unfortunately, it just freezes on some random turn for no apparent reason...
  19. Civciv5

    DLL edit request

    Could someone please recompile/edit (whatever it's called) the DLL of this so that it is possible to include 77 civs (exactly)? I once again tried to do DLL editing (for like the 5th time, and I failed again). So that's not going to happen, could someone please help me out? Thanks
  20. Civciv5

    Scenario problem

    In my Ancient Middle East mod, I have a problem in the main scenario. All religions are present at the start of the game, with the exception of Buddhism and Christianity. I recently added a tech called Theology to my mod, but Christianity gets autofounded a few turns regardless of its...
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