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  1. S

    Problems with creating colonies.

    I have noticed in my two last games that if I release a colony, I instantly get into war with every other AI in the game including the colony I just created. Why is this happening? In the last game I actually exploited it as a way to break a truce but it really shouldn't happen. I'm using the...
  2. S

    Inefficient code or a bug or my crappy computer?

    I'm using the last official patch so it's perhaps it's an issue that is already resolved, but there is a very curious lag regarding specialist. Sometimes it takes forever to reassign specialists, it can take more than 10 seconds to reassign every single specialist, and since reassigning...
  3. S

    Edible volcano?

    I don't know if it's intended but in my current game I've got a volcano where every tile surrounding it has +48 extra food on it. Seems a bit overkill.
  4. S

    Egypt OP?

    Is it just me? Because it seems every game I play there's an egypt somewhere on the map wonder-whoring like crazy, has the most tech and cities and gets the fewest rebellions (except me). So I decided to play egypt and see. Man those traits in combination with those monuments are awesome.
  5. S

    Just a practical question.

    How do you zoom in/out on a modern laptop? Supposedly you are pulling two fingers together or apart on this instead-of-mouse-thing. Yet it usually doesn't work on my laptop so I'm wondering if there's some key you can press instead like in civ2 and civ3.
  6. S

    Appearantly I've lost the charismatic trait.

    During my current game I've appearantly somehow lost the charismatic trait, or rather the charismatic trait have stopped working for some reason. I admit to have been doing some XML changes, mostly setting things up for the game menu and what options to be already on if you just start a game...
  7. S

    Did my leader switch traits?

    I got a golden age from a wonder so I decided to switch to republic to get my national stability back on track before the game forces me into something lame like pacifism (I have cities to conquer mind you). Suddenly my leader lost the traits that gives you cheap promotions. Where I got a level...
  8. S

    Problem with BUG? With Ini?

    Every time I start or open a game a long list of "failed to write *a bunch of BUG stuff* into *Long adress* ini-file. What is the problem? How can I get to play a game without the view of the map being constantly clouded by these error messages?
  9. S

    Can one fix vassals and colonies?

    There are a few annoyanses I have with how vassals and colonies have been implemented in civ4 that I'd liked to see fixed. About vassals: 1. One should be able to tell the difference between a capitulated vassal, a voluntary vassal and a colony. The game already makes distinction in AI...
  10. S

    Replacing movies with pictures.

    Hi. I'm wondering if there's a way to replace all leaderhead movies with leaderhead pictures. And if it's safe to just throw all the wonder movies away (I would ofcourse remove them in the XML aswell).
  11. S

    No, I don't have financial troubles.

    So I'm playing this game with revolutions turned on. I have expanded quite agressively. And now it says I'm in financial trouble. Sure running sliders on 100% would ruin me in the long run, but already on 10% taxes I'm making a decent income instead. I don't think 10% taxes would cause that much...
  12. S

    Why does the game come with broken mods?

    I got civ4 on a CD, and decided to check out the mods that are included. But for some reason all the mods except RFC (which just crash all the time instead) are lacking half the interface, it's like they are eternally in map mode. Forget changing civics, changing builds or look up the...
  13. S

    A bug?

    I'm playing my first game with this mod and I love it. But there's some weirdness when it comes to tech trades. Sometimes techs you have and the other don't have doesn't show up on the list. And likewise stuff they have and you don't doesn't always show up (I know because I've spied on them). So...
  14. S

    Anyone else did this?

    Often if I wanted to play civ in a different way I did this. It only works on a small maps. Instead of settling within the first few turns I wandered around getting huts until 1 AD. You have to save before you open huts in case they are an advanced tribe that gives you a city, but otherwise I...
  15. S

    My first game

    So I'm playing my first AND game and it's been interesting. On noble, large map and epic speed. There are a few things that have puzzled me though. First off is that you cannot whip, is this intended or a bug? There's a wonder that supposely lets you get shorter whip anger which sounds...
  16. S

    Can you add sliders?

    I'm toying with the idea of implementing two new sliders to a mod I'm tinkering with just for my own amusement. One to speed up military production and another for adding health. Functioning just as the cultural slider does for theatres in bts. But instead it's the military slider that adds a...
  17. S

    Can't build "temple of planet"

    In my recent game I was doing well until I made the error of building the secret project that let's you launch satellites for cheap. What happens is that it double's your mineral output when you build satellites. That would be okay if only I could build "temple of planet" everywhere to counter...
  18. S

    Is there a way to disband a base?

    I like to place bases so there are as little overlap as possible while still claiming all workable tiles. This goes well as long as I'm just peacefully expanding, but sometimes I have to take a few bases from the AI to convince them to leave me alone. Then I'm stuck with a bunch of bases that...
  19. S

    silly Mansa

    I'm in the middle of taking him out and he wins the lib race, guess what he's libbing? Divine right! That's right, not something useful to defend himself like gunpowder but divine right so now he created a completely worthless holy city surrounded by ice and no resources. Man is he going to...
  20. S

    Why won't my vassals trade with me?

    I'm currently playing a game as the vikings at prince level on warlords where I first horse-rushed Shaka and then Asoka (with a little help of catapults because he had chicken pizza). None of them will trade with me because "they don't like you enough", then the celts peace-vassaled to me, I...
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