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  1. MaximusK

    Civs & Ideologies

    Is there anyway to convince/influence a civilization to pick your ideology initially? Or can you only force them to switch through your influence? BTW, I'm also finding Emperor ALOT more difficult w/ the patch. Peace.
  2. MaximusK

    "Chateau" UI, France? Found in shadows.

    Found this in the shadow of the Greco Great Work screenshot. My guess is a tourism/culture/gold boost. Other BNW images:
  3. MaximusK

    Ideologies Buff Buildings

    Read more: Civilization V: Brave New World interview Really not much new information in this brief interview but seems that ideologies will have quite the impact.
  4. MaximusK

    Immortal Warring Problems

    My question is focused on the challenge of conquering a neighboring city/capital with ground units. My problem is that after repulsing an invasion I can't quite conquer the offensive neighbor. I get bogged down right outside city range and can't quite pull it together for the final push...
  5. MaximusK

    The Coveted Logistics Frigate

    How fast can you get it without using Military Tradition? Galleass can get wiped out with a 2nd barrage from a city (if garrisoned w/ crossbow). So to play it safe you have to heal them after every hit. If you wait until you have an armory your almost at Navigation so really you have to...
  6. MaximusK

    Clausewitz Advising Civ 5 Players

    The great Prussian philosopher of the Napoleonic Era made 4 points that made a great commander in his work On War, I believe these are applicable to our situation in Civ 5. 1. "assess probabilities" 2. "act with the utmost concentration" 3. "act with utmost speed" 4. "absolute war requires...
  7. MaximusK

    Will puppets build harbors?

    Playing Europe map, I spawned in "Algeria" and have conquered several german cities in "italy" and moving eastward now to the current score leader, Rome, which spawned in "Lebanon". So I have now at least 6-8 overseas puppets. I have 3 cities and going for a culture vic as Byz. I don't really...
  8. MaximusK

    New Lux Trade $ Gradations

    Concerning the amount of money you can get for selling a luxury to an AI. Maybe I'm wrong but I think the gradation has changed. Has anyone else figured this out? It seems there is a stage or two between 240 & 180 and probably below that.
  9. MaximusK

    Easiest Settings for Deity Win

    I want this achievement. I just got immortal on tiny great plains w/ mongols. What would be the easiest settings, map/size/civ/victory type, for a deity win?
  10. MaximusK

    Follower vs. Enhancer Beliefs

    We know the difference between a founder and follower belief. Founder (founding city/civ) and follower (any city following that religion). We know there are up to 2 follower beliefs you can acquire. But what about enhancer belief? Is this something we still don't know anything about...
  11. MaximusK

    New Navy Upgrade Paths

    Is there going to be a new naval option before Renaissance? Trireme->Caravel->Destroyer? Frigate->Ironclad->Battleship? Where would the privateer fit in? Currently triremes are eaten up by cities pretty good esp if they have a bowman. I am thinking about this as I play Elizabeth...
  12. MaximusK

    How many pointy sticks?

    So, I'm moving up beyond King and the DoWs are exploding. I usually go the GL-NC-HS route and only buy an archer or two once a DoW occurs, the problem is this isn't enough when your fighting off three opponents.
  13. MaximusK

    Ancient Lakes

    So I've been playing this map on small as the Aztecs and have noticed the AI is acting differently and my normally smooth King game is actually proving difficult. I've noticed the default # of civs places them far apart with tons of room to grow before the become aggressive. Anyone else...
  14. MaximusK

    Liberty->Freedom, GP Tile Strategy

    Here is a unique game to try out. If you play harder difficulty levels and prefer speed this is not for you. If you are about maximizing efficiency this probably isn't for you either. Finish liberty then save SP until Renaissance and complete Freedom ASAP. Tile all GP until Industrial...
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